Redistribution and Deployment
- 2 minutes to read
DevExpress Blazor libraries are redistributable under the End User License Agreement (EULA) and can be distributed to your application users. You must have a valid license to legally distribute applications that use DevExpress Blazor components.
All DevExpress assemblies required and referenced by your Blazor Application are available as part of one of the following subscriptions: ASP.NET and Blazor, DXperience, or Universal.
Consult the End User License Agreement (EULA) for additional up-to-date information on redistributable assemblies, tools, and executables.
Other Redistributable DevExpress Assemblies
In addition to files listed in the EULA, a Blazor application may require you to distribute other Developer Express assemblies supplied with the installation. This list depends on the DevExpress controls used in the application.
Use the Assembly Deployment Tool to analyze your project and to obtain the list of assemblies you should deploy. Compare the assemblies identified by this tool to the redistributable assemblies available in the End User License Agreement (EULA).
The following help topics describe how to redistribute and deploy DevExpress assemblies based on product type:
The following Microsoft help topics describe how to deploy Blazor applications: