Reuse and Customize Components
- 5 minutes to read
Blazor framework allows you to build and reuse composite components. You can also render parts or entire components dynamically in C#.
#Composite Components
This section describes how to create a composite Blazor component.
In Solution Explorer, right-click a folder with components and select Add → New Item. In the Add New Item dialog, select Razor Component, enter the component’s name, and click Add.
Add DevExpress Blazor components to the newly created *.razor file:
<h3>My Component</h3> <DxCalendar VisibleDate="@DateTime.Today" /> <DxTextBox Text="@Text" ClearButtonDisplayMode="DataEditorClearButtonDisplayMode.Auto" NullText="Type text..." /> <DxButton Text="My Button" /> @code { [Parameter] public string Text { get; set; } }
Add MyComponent code to a page (for example, Index.razor):
<MyComponent Text="My Text" />
Refer to Microsoft documentation for more information on how to create ASP.NET Core Razor components.
#Build Components Dynamically
You can use the following methods to render Blazor components dynamically:
- Render fragments
- The RenderTreeBuilder object and its methods
- The BuildRenderTree method
#Render Fragments
A render fragment is a custom UI element that you can reuse on pages or in component markup. To define a fragment, use either Razor template syntax or the RenderFragment delegate. To insert the fragment into markup, use the @
#Razor Template Syntax
The following code snippet demonstrates the renderTextBox
fragment that renders a Text Box component.
RenderFragment<string> renderTextBox = (string model) =>
@<DxTextBox Text="@model"></DxTextBox>;
The following code snippet demonstrates the renderGrid
fragment that renders the Grid component.
RenderFragment<DataItem> renderGrid = (model) =>
@<DxGrid @key="@model" Data="@model.Data">
@foreach (var column in model.ColumnNames) {
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="@column" @key="@column" />
Note that you cannot use this approach in code-behind (.cs
) files.
#RenderFragment Delegate
You can use the RenderFragment delegate to define render fragments for simple, nested components, and components that include <Template>
The code above uses template syntax to render a Text Box component. You can render the same component dynamically using the RenderFragment
delegate. To define a render fragment, call the RenderTreeBuilder‘s methods: OpenComponent, AddAttribute, and CloseComponent.
@code {
private RenderFragment renderTextBox() {
RenderFragment item = b => {
b.AddAttribute(1, "Text", "My text");
return item;
Optionally, you can call the AddComponentReferenceCapture method to capture a reference to the component, for example:
builder.AddComponentReferenceCapture(n++, grid => Grid = (IGrid)grid);
Refer to Manually build a render tree for more information on how to use Render
#RenderFragment Delegate for Nested Components
You can create render fragments for nested components. For example, you need to build a Form Layout that contains a tabbed group with an item:
<DxFormLayoutTabPage Caption="My Tab">
<DxFormLayoutItem Caption="DynLayoutItem" ColSpanMd="6">
To build this component, define a render fragment that contains <DxFormLayoutTabPage>. Then add the ChildContent
attribute that specifies a nested render fragment for <DxFormLayoutItem>. To add the attribute, call the AddAttribute(sequence, “ChildContent”, RenderFragment) method.
@code {
private RenderFragment renderLayoutTabPage() {
RenderFragment item = b => {
b.AddAttribute(1, "Caption", "My tab");
b.AddAttribute(2, "ChildContent", (RenderFragment)((tabPageBuilder) => {
tabPageBuilder.AddAttribute(1, "Caption", "DynLayoutItem");
tabPageBuilder.AddAttribute(2, "ColSpanMd", 6);
return item;
A component can contain a template with another component, for example:
<DxFormLayoutTabPage Caption="My Tab">
<DxFormLayoutItem Caption="DynLayoutItem" ColSpanMd="6">
<DxTextBox @bind-Text="@text"></DxTextBox>
To build this component, use the following code snippet. To add the <Template>
attribute, use the AddAttribute(sequence, “Template”, RenderFragment<Object>delegate) method.
@code {
private RenderFragment renderLayoutTabPage() {
RenderFragment item = b => {
b.AddAttribute(1, "Caption", "My tab");
b.AddAttribute(2, "ChildContent", (RenderFragment)((tabPageBuilder) => {
tabPageBuilder.AddAttribute(1, "Caption", "DynLayoutItem");
tabPageBuilder.AddAttribute(2, "ColSpanMd", 6);
tabPageBuilder.AddAttribute(3, "Template", (RenderFragment<Object>)((context) => ((itemTemplate) => {
itemTemplate.AddAttribute(1, "Text", text);
return item;
#BuildRenderTree Method
To create and reuse a modified version of an existing DevExpress Blazor component, create a ComponentBase descendant and override the BuildRenderTree method to generate the component’s content.
For example, you need to add multiple Grid components to an application, and some of them (Group 1
) should have the same settings. You can end up with repeated code like demonstrated in the following example:
Group 1
<DxGrid PageSize="5" ShowFilterRow="false" PagerVisible="false" ShowGroupPanel="true" ...>
<DxGrid PageSize="5" ShowFilterRow="false" PagerVisible="false" ShowGroupPanel="true" ...>
<DxGrid PageSize="5" ShowFilterRow="false" PagerVisible="false" ShowGroupPanel="true" ...>
Group 2
<DxGrid PageSize="15" ShowFilterRow="false" ShowGroupPanel="false" SelectionMode="GridSelectionMode.Single" ...>
You can turn repeated code into a single composite parameter (for example, Settings
). This parameter can accept a dictionary with grid settings.
- Create a ComponentBase descendant (for example,
). - Add the
(for columns), andSettings
parameters to the class. Override the BuildRenderTree method to define the
component’s markup. This method accepts a RenderTreeBuilder object. Use its methods to add<DxGrid>
to the markup and specify the component’s attributes.C#public class MyGrid<T> : ComponentBase { [Parameter] public IEnumerable<T> Data { get; set; } [Parameter] public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; } [Parameter] public Dictionary<string, object> Settings { get; set; } protected override void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder builder) { builder.OpenComponent<DxGrid>(0); builder.AddAttribute(1, "Data", (object)Data); builder.AddAttribute(2, "Columns", ChildContent); if (Settings != null) { builder.AddMultipleAttributes(3, Settings); //OR //int seq = 3; //foreach (var item in Settings) { // builder.AddAttribute(seq++, item.Key, item.Value); //} } builder.CloseComponent(); } }
Add the
component to a page.Razor<MyGrid Data="Forecasts" Settings="InputAttributes"> <DxGridCommandColumn Width="150px" /> <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="@nameof(WeatherForecast.Date)"></DxGridDataColumn> <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="@nameof(WeatherForecast.TemperatureC)"></DxGridDataColumn> <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="@nameof(WeatherForecast.TemperatureF)"></DxGridDataColumn> <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="@nameof(WeatherForecast.Summary)"></DxGridDataColumn> </MyGrid> @code { public List<WeatherForecast> Forecasts { get; set; } public Dictionary<string, object> InputAttributes { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "PageSize", 5 }, { "ShowFilterRow", false }, { "PagerVisible" , false }, { "ShowGroupPanel", true } }; protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { base.OnInitialized(); WeatherForecast[] data = await ForecastService.GetForecastAsync(DateTime.Now); Forecasts = data.ToList(); } }