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ISpecifyReportTemplateOptionsPageView Members

If implemented, provides a view for the Specify Report Template Options page of the Report Wizard.


Name Description
AllowDiscountEditing If implemented, specifies whether the discount value can be edited.
AllowTaxEditing If implemented, specifies whether the tax value can be edited.
CurrencyFormat If implemented, specifies the index of the selected currency format.
CurrencySymbol If implemented, specifies the selected currency symbol.
DiscountValue If implemented, specifies the discount value.
DiscountValueRange If implemented, specifies to which range a discount value should be applied.
DiscountValueType If implemented, specifies the selected discount value type.
TaxInclusive If implemented, specifies whether the tax value is included in the price values.
TaxValue If implemented, specifies the tax value.
TaxValueRange If implemented, specifies to which range a tax value should be applied.
TaxValueType If implemented, specifies the selected tax value type.


Name Description
FillAvailableDiscountValueTypes(ICollection) If implemented, populates the list of available types for discount values.
FillAvailableTaxValueTypes(ICollection) If implemented, populates the list of available types for tax values.
FillCurrencyFormats(ICollection) If implemented, populates the list of available currency formats.
FillCurrencySymbols(ICollection) If implemented, populates the list of available currency symbols.
SetDataSource(Object, String, String) If implemented, sets the data source with the specified settings for providing data to template fields.
UpdateDiscountEditorProperties(Boolean, String) If implemented, updates the discount editor according to the specified settings.
UpdateTaxEditorProperties(Boolean, String) If implemented, updates the tax editor according to the specified settings.


Name Description
Changed Occurs when any property on the current wizard page changes.
See Also