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ReportDesignerWizardSettings.ReportWizardTemplatesSearchBoxVisibility Property

Specifies whether to display the search box on the Select Report Type page.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraReports.Web.ReportDesigner

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraReports.v24.1.Web.WebForms.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Reporting


public SearchBoxVisibility ReportWizardTemplatesSearchBoxVisibility { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
SearchBoxVisibility Auto

The SearchBoxVisibility enumeration member that specifies whether to display the report template search box.

Available values:

Name Description

The search box is displayed automatically depending on the number of report items shown.


The search box is always displayed.


The search box is always hidden.

Property Paths

You can access this nested property as listed below:

Library Object Type Path to ReportWizardTemplatesSearchBoxVisibility
ASP.NET MVC Extensions ReportDesignerSettings
.SettingsWizard .ReportWizardTemplatesSearchBoxVisibility
.NET Reporting Tools ASPxReportDesigner
.SettingsWizard .ReportWizardTemplatesSearchBoxVisibility


The ReportWizardTemplatesSearchBoxVisibility property allows you to show or hide the search box at the top of the Select Report Type page in the Report Wizard. The following image shows the wizard page with the search box highlighted:

Report Wizard Templates Search Box is Visible


You can use the ReportWizardCustomizationService to manage template items shown on the Select Report Type page.

The following code hides the search box on the wizard page that displays report templates:

var designerRender = Html.DevExpress().ReportDesigner("reportDesigner")
            .WizardSettings(s => s.ReportWizardTemplatesSearchBoxVisibility = 
See Also