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IDesignForm Members

When implemented by a class, provides main methods for the End-User Report Designer form.


Name Description
DesignDockManager When implemented by a class, gets the docking panels’ container of the End-User Designer form.
DesignMdiController When implemented by a class, gets the MDI (multi-document interface) Controller associated with the design form.
IsDisposed For internal use. Gets a value indicating whether the form has been disposed of.


Name Description
Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Inherited from IDisposable.
OpenReport(XtraReport, UserLookAndFeel) Loads the specified report instance to the IDesignForm with the specified look and feel settings.
OpenReport(XtraReport) Loads the specified report instance to the IDesignForm.
SetWindowVisibility(DesignDockPanelType, Boolean) If implemented by a class, sets the visibility of dock panels in the End-User Report Designer.
Show() Shows the End-User Designer form.
ShowDialog() Shows the End-User Designer form, modally.
See Also