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DxReportDesignerParameterEditingSettings.AllowReorderParameters Property

Hides UI elements that allow users to reorder parameters, parameter groups, and parameter separators.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor.Reporting

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.Reporting.v24.1.JSBasedControls.Common.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor.Reporting.JSBasedControls.Common


public bool AllowReorderParameters { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

true to allow users reorder parameters, parameter groups, and parameter separators; otherwise, false.


When the AllowReorderParameters property is set to false, the reordering actions and the UI elements used to reorder elements are disabled in the Web Report Designer.

Properties Panel

The Up and Down buttons are hidden in the Parameters section of the Data group.

AllowReorderParameters = true (default) AllowReorderParameters = false
Web Report Designer - Up and Down buttons for Parameters in the Properties Panel Web Report Designer - Up and Down buttons for Parameters disabled in the Properties Panel
Parameter Editor

The Up and Down buttons are hidden and the drag-and-drop actions are disabled.

AllowReorderParameters = true (default) AllowReorderParameters = false
Web Report Designer - - Up and Down buttons for Parameters in the Parameter Editor Web Report Designer - - Up and Down buttons for Parameters in the Parameter Editor
See Also