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DxDocumentViewerCallbacks Class

Specifies client-side event handler functions for the Web Document Viewer. See DxDocumentViewerCallbacks Members for the complete list of events.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor.Reporting

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.Reporting.v24.2.JSBasedControls.Common.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor.Reporting.JSBasedControls.Common


public class DxDocumentViewerCallbacks :
    DxDocumentViewerCallbacksBase<DocumentViewerCallbacksModel, WebDocumentViewerClientSideEvents>


The DxDocumentViewerCallbacks class contains properties that specify JavaScript handler functions for client-side events.

View Example: Blazor Reporting - UI Customization API

You can define a global JavaScript function in an external script file and add the file reference to the page. The following example handles the BeforeRender event to specify the Document Viewer’s zoom level:

  1. Create a JavaScript file in the project’s wwwroot/js folder. Write the following code:

    window.ReportingViewerCustomization = {
        //Change default Zoom level
        onBeforeRender: function(s, e) {
            //-1: Page Width
            //0: Whole Page
            //1: 100%
            e.reportPreview.zoom = -1;
  2. Include the script file in the host page:

    <script src="~/js/reporting_ViewerCustomization.js"></script>
  3. Set the BeforeRender property to the function name:

    <DxDocumentViewer ReportName="SampleReport" Height="1000px" Width="100%">
        <DxDocumentViewerCallbacks BeforeRender="ReportingViewerCustomization.onBeforeRender" />


DxDocumentViewerCallbacksBase<DevExpress.Blazor.Reporting.DocumentViewerCallbacksModel, DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.WebDocumentViewer.Native.DataContracts.WebDocumentViewerClientSideEvents>
See Also