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Enable the Rich Text Editor

  • 2 minutes to read

The XRRichText control allows you to display formatted static or dynamic text in your report. You can load formatted text from a file or specify an RTF string. The inline Rich Text Editor is disabled by default, and if you change XRRichText format settings, the settings are applied to the entire content.


Inline client Rich Text Editor does not support Right-To-Left mode. For more information review the following help topic: Rich Text Editor Unsupported Features.

XRRichText with disabled Rich Text Editor

This topic describes how to enable the XRRichText control’s Rich Text Editor to edit and format text in-line.

Check the Enable Rich Text Editor option when you create a new ASP.NET MVC reporting application that contains the Web Report Designer.

In Code

Register the Rich Text Editor’s style sheets and scripts in the _Layout.cshtml file.

    new StyleSheet { ExtensionType = ExtensionType.ReportDesigner }
    new StyleSheet { ExtensionSuite = ExtensionSuite.ClientRichEdit }
    new Script { ExtensionType = ExtensionType.ReportDesigner }
    new Script { ExtensionSuite = ExtensionSuite.ClientRichEdit }

If your project is not based on the DevExpress template and you integrate the Report Designer manually, make sure that the jszip.min.js 3.7.1 and dx.richedit.js libraries are included. These libraries are required to edit formatted text in the XRRichText control.