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GridControl.GetCellValue(Int32, String) Method

Returns the value of the specified data cell.

Namespace: DevExpress.Mobile.DataGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Mobile.Grid.v18.2.dll


public object GetCellValue(
    int rowHandle,
    string fieldName


Name Type Description
rowHandle Int32

An integer value specifying the handle of the row that contains the cell.

fieldName String

A string specifying the field name whose value is to be returned. This parameter can refer to any field in the data source, even if the grid does not contain a column referring to this field. A NullReferenceException exception will be thrown if the underlying data source does not contain the specified field.


Type Description

An object that is the specified cell value.



This documentation topic describes legacy technology. We no longer develop new functionality for the GridControl and suggest that you use the new DataGridView control instead.


This example shows how to extend the grid’s UI with additional buttons to be shown when an end-user swipes left to right, or right to left, over a data row – Swipe Buttons. To create a swipe button, add a SwipeButtonInfo object to the GridControl.LeftSwipeButtons or GridControl.RightSwipeButtons collection. Use this object’s SwipeButtonInfo.Caption, SwipeButtonInfo.Width, SwipeButtonInfo.BackgroundColor and SwipeButtonInfo.TextColor properties to specify button appearance.

To assign a custom action to a button, handle the GridControl.SwipeButtonClick event. The GridControl.SwipeButtonShowing event allows you to specify when a swipe button should be visible.

In the example, two swipe buttons are created.

  • When an end-user swipes any data row left to right, the Day button is shown on the left side of the row. Tapping this button displays the day of the week when the corresponding order was made.


  • When an end-user swipes right to left, a data row which corresponds to an order that is already shipped (the value in the Shipped column is true), the Delete button is shown on the right side of the row. Tapping this button removes the corresponding data row.


See Also