How to: Use a TemplateColumn for Showing and Editing Time Values
This documentation topic describes legacy technology. We no longer develop new functionality for the Grid
This example illustrates how to create a TemplateColumn for showing and editing time values. To implement this functionality, follow the steps below.
- Create a data object (TestData in this example) and populate it with the required time values to be shown in the TemplateColumn. Assign the generated time list to the GridControl.ItemsSource property.
Add a new TemplateColumn to the GridControl.Columns collection. In this example the following column parameters are used:
- GridColumn.UnboundType = UnboundColumnType.Object
TemplateColumn.DisplayTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(DisplayControl))
The DisplayControl class represents a label whose Text property is bound to the CellData.Value property using the IValueConverter object.
TemplateColumn.EditTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(EditControl))
The EditControl class represents the TimePicker control whose Time property is two-way bound to the CellData.Value property.
- Subscribe to the GridControl.CustomUnboundColumnData event and use its handler to set and get time data.