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NavBarControl.SelectedLinkChanged Event

Fires immediately after a link has been selected.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraNavBar

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraNavBar.v20.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win


public event NavBarSelectedLinkChangedEventHandler SelectedLinkChanged

Event Data

The SelectedLinkChanged event's data class is NavBarSelectedLinkChangedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Group Gets a group containing the link which has been selected.
Link Gets the link which has been selected.


Write a SelectedLinkChanged event handler to perform specific actions each time a link is selected. Use the NavBarControl.LinkSelectionMode property to enable link selection.


This example shows how to create a NavBarControl in code.The NavBarControl will have two groups ('Charts' and 'Settings') with items. Item link selection is enabled by setting the LinkSelectionMode property to LinkSelectionModeType.OneInGroupAndAllowAutoSelect. To respond to a link selection, the SelectedLinkChanged event is handled. In the OneInGroupAndAllowAutoSelect mode, each group can have a single selected link independent of other groups. When a group is activated and it has no selected link, the first link is auto-selected. At runtime, you will see that the SelectedLinkChanged event fires on group activation, while the LinkClicked event does not. The example demonstrates two methods of assigning images to navbar items:1) explicit assignment of Image objects to items (see the 'Charts' navbar group item initialization);2) implicit assignment, using image indexes (see the 'Settings' navbar group item initialization).


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraNavBar;

namespace CreateNavBar {
    public partial class Form1 : Form {
        public Form1() {

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            // Create a NavBarControl.
            NavBarControl navBar = new NavBarControl();
            navBar.Width = 150;
            navBar.Dock = DockStyle.Left;
            // Apply the "NavigationPaneView" style.
            navBar.PaintStyleKind = NavBarViewKind.NavigationPane;

            // Create the 'Charts' navbar group.
            NavBarGroup groupChart = new NavBarGroup("Charts");
            // Display a large image in the group caption.
            groupChart.LargeImage = global::CreateNavBar.Properties.Resources.chart_32x32;
            // Create an 'Area' item and assign an image to it from the project resources.
            NavBarItem itemChartArea = new NavBarItem("Area");
            itemChartArea.LargeImage = global::CreateNavBar.Properties.Resources.area_32x32;
            // Create a 'Bar' item.
            NavBarItem itemChartBar = new NavBarItem("Bar");
            itemChartBar.LargeImage = global::CreateNavBar.Properties.Resources.bar_32x32;
            // Create a disabled 'Refresh' item.
            NavBarItem itemChartRefresh = new NavBarItem("Refresh");
            itemChartRefresh.LargeImage = global::CreateNavBar.Properties.Resources.refresh_32x32;
            itemChartRefresh.Enabled = false;

            //Assign an image collection to the NavBarControl. 
            //Images from this collection are used in the 'Settings' navbar group
            navBar.LargeImages = imageCollection1;

            // Create the 'Settings' navbar group.
            NavBarGroup groupSettings = new NavBarGroup("Settings");
            // Display a large image in the group caption.
            groupSettings.LargeImage = global::CreateNavBar.Properties.Resources.customize_32x32;
            // Create an 'Edit Settings' item and assign a large image to it by its index in the navBar.LargeImages collection.
            NavBarItem itemEditSettings = new NavBarItem("Edit Settings");
            itemEditSettings.LargeImageIndex = 0;
            // Create an Export item and assign a large image to it by its index in the navBar.LargeImages collection.
            NavBarItem itemExport = new NavBarItem("Export");
            itemExport.LargeImageIndex = 1;

            // Add the created items to the groups and the groups to the NavBarControl.
            // Prevent excessive updates using the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods.

            // Add a separator.
            groupChart.ItemLinks.Add(new NavBarSeparatorItem());
            //Enable the display of large images in the group.
            groupChart.GroupStyle = NavBarGroupStyle.LargeIconsText;

            //Enable the display of large images in the group.
            groupSettings.GroupStyle = NavBarGroupStyle.LargeIconsText;

            // Activate the 'Charts' group.
            navBar.ActiveGroup = groupChart;

            // Specify the event handler to process item clicks.
            navBar.LinkClicked += new NavBarLinkEventHandler(navBar_LinkClicked);
            // Specify the event handler to process item selection.
            navBar.SelectedLinkChanged += navBar_SelectedLinkChanged;

            // Enable link selection. 
            // Each group can have a single selected link independent of other groups.
            // When a group is activated and it has no selected link, the first link is auto-selected.
            // At runtime, you will see that the SelectedLinkChanged event fires on group activation, 
            // while the LinkClicked event does not.
            navBar.LinkSelectionMode = LinkSelectionModeType.OneInGroupAndAllowAutoSelect;

            // Manually select the second link:
            //groupChart.SelectedLinkIndex = 1;

        void navBar_SelectedLinkChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraNavBar.ViewInfo.NavBarSelectedLinkChangedEventArgs e) {
            string s = string.Format("'{0}' selected", e.Link.Caption);

        void navBar_LinkClicked(object sender, NavBarLinkEventArgs e) {
            string s = string.Format("'{0}' clicked", e.Link.Caption);

See Also