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Included Components

  • 5 minutes to read

The XtraScheduler suite provides a set of native components and controls, which can be used in your Scheduling applications to provide all necessary user interaction with end-users. These controls all support the style, look and feel, and tooltip mechanisms common to all DevExpress controls. This enables you to provide a unified appearance and behavior common to all the controls in your application.

Main Controls

The table below lists the main controls:

Name Description
Icon_SchedulerControl SchedulerControl Represents a visual control which allows appointments to be scheduled and displayed.
Icon_DateNavigator DateNavigator Represents a visual control which provides a quick and easy way of changing the dates in the scheduling area.
Icon_SchedulerStorage SchedulerDataStorage Represents a storage which holds data for the Scheduler Control.

Additional Controls

The XtraScheduler suite also provides numerous auxiliary controls that can be used to manage events. By using these controls, you can change an event’s label, time status, bound resource, recurrence pattern, etc.

Additional controls included in the Suite are:

Name Description
Icon_AppointmentLabelEdit AppointmentLabelEdit Represents an image combo box control used to select appointment labels.
Icon_AppointmentResourceEdit AppointmentResourceEdit Represents an image combo box control used to select a resource for an appointment.
Icon_AppointmentResourcesEdit AppointmentResourcesEdit Represents an image combo box control used to select multiple resources for an appointment.
Icon_AppointmentStatusEdit AppointmentStatusEdit Represents an image combo box control used to select appointment status.
Icon_DailyRecurrenceControl DailyRecurrenceControl Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for daily recurrent appointments.
Icon_DurationEdit DurationEdit Represents a combo box used to specify time intervals (durations).
Icon_MonthEdit MonthEdit Represents a combo box used to select a month.
Icon_MonthlyRecurrenceControl MonthlyRecurrenceControl Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for monthly recurrent appointments.
Icon_RecurrenceControlBase RecurrenceControlBase Represents the base class for inherited recurrent controls available in the XtraScheduler library.
Icon_ResourcesCheckedListBox ResourcesCheckedListBoxControl Represents a checked list box control used to filter resources within the SchedulerControl.
Icon_ResourcesComboBox ResourcesComboBoxControl Represents a combo box control used to filter resources within the SchedulerControl.
Icon_ResourcesPopupCheckedListBox ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControl Represents a pop-up checked list box control used to filter resources within the SchedulerControl.
Icon_RibbonViewNavigator RibbonViewNavigator Obsolete. A component used to create a View Navigator Ribbon page.
Icon_RibbonViewSelector RibbonViewSelector Obsolete. A component used to create a View Selector Ribbon page.
Icon_TimeZoneEdit TimeZoneEdit Represents a combo box used to specify a time zone.
Icon_ViewNavigator ViewNavigator Obsolete. A component used to create a View Navigator bar.
Icon_ViewSelector ViewSelector Obsolete. A component used to create a View Selector bar.
Icon_WeekDaysCheckEdit WeekDaysCheckEdit Represents a control that allows selection of days of the week by checking the corresponding boxes.
Icon_WeekDaysEdit WeekDaysEdit Represents a combo box used to select days of the week.
Icon_WeeklyRecurrenceControl WeeklyRecurrenceControl Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for weekly recurrent appointments.
Icon_WeekOfMonthEdit WeekOfMonthEdit Represents a combo box used to select a week of the month.
Icon_YearlyRecurrenceControl YearlyRecurrenceControl Represents a control used to set the recurrence options for yearly recurrent appointments.

Reporting Controls

The Scheduler Report controls are used to display various information in a Scheduler report. They are only available if you have both the XtraScheduler and XtraReports Suites (they use functionality from each product library). All these controls can be added to a report, at either Visual Studio design time or in the End-User Report Designer.

The controls specific to XtraSchedulerReport are:

Name Description
ReportControls_CalendarControl CalendarControl Represents a Calendar control.
ReportControls - DayOfWeekHeaders icon DayOfWeekHeaders A header control used to print days of the week for the HorizontalWeek control.
ReportControls - DayCells icon DayViewTimeCells A time cells control representing the Scheduler’s Day View. It can be used to print one or more days, which do not have to be consecutive.
ReportControls - Ruler icon DayViewTimeRuler A control used to print a time ruler on the left side of the linked DayViewTimeCells control.
ReportControls_FormatTimeIntervalInfo FormatTimeIntervalInfo An information control used to print a textual view of the time interval, using the specified format.
ReportControls - FullWeekCells icon FullWeek A time cells control representing the Scheduler’s Week View. It can be used to print one or more weeks in a compact style.
ReportControls - DateHeaders icon HorizontalDateHeaders A header control used to print dates for the columns of time cells .
ReportControls - ResourceHorizontalHeaders icon HorizontalResourceHeaders A header control used to print resources for the columns of time cells.
ReportControls - WeekCells icon HorizontalWeek A time cells control representing the Scheduler’s Month View. It can be used to print a week or several weeks.
ReportControls_ReportDayView ReportDayView A View component for a daily style report.
ReportControls_ReportMonthView ReportMonthView A View component for a monthly (multi-week) style report.
ReportControls_ReportTimelineView ReportTimelineView A View component for a timeline style report.
ReportControls_ReportWeekView ReportWeekView A View component for a weekly style report.
ReportControls - ResourceInfo icon ResourceInfo A control used to print a list of resources.
ReportControls_ SchedulerControlPrintAdapter SchedulerControlPrintAdapter A component bound to the SchedulerControl used for retrieving data and scheduler settings.
ReportControls_SchedulerStoragePrintAdapter SchedulerStoragePrintAdapter A component bound to the SchedulerStorage used for retrieving data and scheduler settings.
ReportControls - TimeInfo icon TimeIntervalInfo A control used to print a textual representation of the time interval.
ReportControls - TimelineCells icon TimelineCells A time cells control representing the Scheduler’s Timeline View. It can visualize appointments using different time scales.
ReportControls - TimelineHeaders icon TimelineScaleHeaders A header control used to print time scales for the ReportTimelineView.
ReportControls - ResourceVerticalHeaders icon VerticalResourceHeaders A vertical header control used to print resources for the rows of time cells.