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Custom Form Assistant

The Custom Form Assistant is designed to help developers create and register custom appointment editing forms. The smart tag panel of the XtraScheduler control at design time includes the Create Custom Appointment Form smart tag.


The smart tag invokes a dialog allowing you to select a form layout.


You can select cultures for which localization RESX files will be generated along with the form. The cultures available for localization are determined based on which satellite assemblies are located in the GAC and near the application executable. Please refer to the Localizing WinForms Controls via Satellite Resource Assemblies topic regarding these assemblies and their placement.

After selecting the form style (Default or OutlookStyle) and clicking OK, a file containing source code of the selected form is added to the project so you can customize it. The assistant inserts the code that handles the SchedulerControl.EditAppointmentFormShowing event, so the customized form will be invoked instead of the default appointment editing form.