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Smart Tag Panel - Scheduler Storage

  • 2 minutes to read

To display a smart tag panel, select the SchedulerDataStorage Component and click the smart tag icon in the top-right of it (SmartTags1.png - resembles a right-pointing arrow).

Scheduler Storage

Below is an example of a smart tag panel for the Scheduler Storage.


This smart tag panel contains the following shortcuts to the most popular actions with the Scheduler Storage.

Item Description
Appointments Data Source Assigns the selected Data Source to the PersistentObjectStorage<T>.DataSource property of the SchedulerControl.Storage.Appointments object.
Appointments Data Member Should be specified if required by the data source. Usually, this field is left blank. It is a particular element within the data source that supplies actual data for binding.
Mappings Wizard Invokes the Mapping Wizard to guide you in specifying the mappings for appointments.
Check Mappings Performs a mappings validity check.
Resources Data Source Assigns the selected Data Source to the PersistentObjectStorage<T>.DataSource property of the SchedulerControl.Storage.Resources object.
Resources Data Member Should be specified if required by the data source. Usually, this field is left blank. It is a particular element within the data source that supplies actual data for binding.
Mappings Wizard Invokes the Mapping Wizard to guide you in specifying mappings for resources.
Check Mappings Performs a mappings validity check.
AppointmentDependencies Data Source Assigns the selected Data Source to the PersistentObjectStorage<T>.DataSource property of the SchedulerControl.Storage.AppointmentDependencies object.
About Invokes the About dialog box, which contains general information about Developer Express Inc. and the XtraScheduler Suite.
Get Support If an Internet connection is available, navigates to the XtraScheduler section of the Support Center.