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PdfViewerControl Members

A control to display PDF files in Windows 10 applications, without the need to install any third-party software on end user machines.


Name Description
PdfViewerControl() Initializes a new instance of the PdfViewerControl class with default settings.


Name Description
ActualIsFindTextPanelVisibleProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ActualIsFindTextPanelVisible dependency property.
ActualIsLoadingProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ActualIsLoading dependency property.
ActualIsPageBarVisibleProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ActualIsPageBarVisible dependency property.
ActualIsSettingsBarVisibleProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ActualIsSettingsBarVisible dependency property.
ActualIsZoomBarVisibleProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ActualIsZoomBarVisible dependency property.
ActualOverlaySettingsProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ActualOverlaySettings dependency property.
ContentMarginProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ContentMargin dependency property.
CurrentPageIndexProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.CurrentPageIndex dependency property.
CurrentPageNumberProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.CurrentPageNumber dependency property.
CurrentViewProperty static This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
CurrentZoomFactorProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.CurrentZoomFactor dependency property.
DefaultZoomFactorProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.DefaultZoomFactor dependency property.
DocumentPrintingQualityProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.DocumentPrintingQuality dependency property.
DocumentProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.Document dependency property.
DocumentSourceProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.DocumentSource dependency property.
DocumentUriProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.DocumentUri dependency property.
IsDataLoadingProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.IsDataLoading dependency property.
IsFindTextPanelVisibleProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.IsFindTextPanelVisible dependency property.
IsPageBarVisibleProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.IsPageBarVisible dependency property.
IsSettingsBarVisibleProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.IsSettingsBarVisible dependency property.
IsZoomBarVisibleProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.IsZoomBarVisible dependency property.
LeftSideSettingsBarItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.LeftSideSettingsBarItemsSource dependency property.
MaxZoomFactorProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.MaxZoomFactor dependency property.
OverlaySettingsProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.OverlaySettings dependency property.
OverlaySettingsTemplateProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.OverlaySettingsTemplate dependency property.
PageCountProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.PageCount dependency property.
PageMarginProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.PageMargin dependency property.
PageSpacingProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.PageSpacing dependency property.
PdfDocumentLoadingPolicyProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.PdfDocumentLoadingPolicy dependency property.
PdfViewModeProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.PdfViewMode dependency property.
PrintDocumentCommandProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.PrintDocumentCommand dependency property.
PrintDocumentSourceProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.PrintDocumentSource dependency property.
RightSideSettingsBarItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.RightSideSettingsBarItemsSource dependency property.
SettingsBarFlyoutItemTemplateSelectorProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.SettingsBarFlyoutItemTemplateSelector dependency property.
ShowBookmarksButtonProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ShowBookmarksButton dependency property.
ShowLeftSideDefaultSettingsBarItemsProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ShowLeftSideDefaultSettingsBarItems dependency property.
ShowOpenDocumentButtonProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ShowOpenDocumentButton dependency property.
ShowPrintDocumentButtonProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ShowPrintDocumentButton dependency property.
ShowRightSideDefaultSettingsBarItemsProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ShowRightSideDefaultSettingsBarItems dependency property.
ShowSaveDocumentButtonProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ShowSaveDocumentButton dependency property.
ThumbnailHeightProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ThumbnailHeight dependency property.
ViewerErrorProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ViewerError dependency property.
ZoomModeProperty static Identifies the PdfViewerControl.ZoomMode dependency property.


Name Description
ActualIsFindTextPanelVisible Returns whether the Search Panel is currently displayed. This is a dependency property.
ActualIsLoading Gets whether a document is currently loading. This is a dependency property.
ActualIsPageBarVisible Returns whether the Page Bar is currently displayed. This is a dependency property.
ActualIsSettingsBarVisible Returns whether the Settings Bar is currently displayed. This is a dependency property.
ActualIsZoomBarVisible Returns whether the Zoom Bar is currently displayed. This is a dependency property.
ActualOverlaySettings Returns an object that stores actual overlay settings. This is a dependency property.
ClearFindResultsCommand Clears all search results and highlight states found in the document.
CloseDocumentCommand Closes the current document.
CloseFindPanelAndClearFindResultsCommand Clears all search results and highlight states found in the document and closes the Search Panel.
ContentMargin Gets or sets the outer indents for the PDF document. This is a dependency property.
CurrentPageIndex Gets or sets the current page index. This is a dependency property.
CurrentPageNumber Gets or sets the current page number. This is a dependency property.
CurrentZoomFactor Gets or sets the current zoom level of a PDF Viewer Control.
DefaultZoomFactor Gets or sets the default zoom factor. This is a dependency property.
Document Gets the current PDF document. This is a dependency property.
DocumentPrintingQuality Gets or sets the resolution scaling factor applied to the document when printing. This is a dependency property.
DocumentSource Gets or sets the PDF document source. This is a dependency property.
DocumentUri Gets or sets a URI that defines the location of a PDF file. This is a dependency property.
FindNextTextCommand Highlights and scrolls to the next occurrence of the search criteria in a document.
FindPreviousTextCommand Highlights and scrolls to the previous occurrence of the search criteria in a document.
FindTextCommand Performs a search, scrolling to and highlighting the text that matches the search criteria.
FitSizeCommand Sets the document zoom factor according to the command parameter.
IsDataLoading Gets or sets whether the PDF Viewer displays a data loading splash screen. This is a dependency property.
IsFindTextPanelVisible Gets or sets whether the Search Panel panel is enabled. This is a dependency property.
IsPageBarVisible Gets or sets whether to enable the Page Bar. This is a dependency property.
IsSettingsBarVisible Gets or sets whether to enable the Settings Bar. This is a dependency property.
IsZoomBarVisible Gets or sets whether to enable the Zoom Bar. This is a dependency property.
IsZoomedOutView Gets whether the PdfViewerControl displays page thumbnails.
LeftSideSettingsBarItemsSource Gets or sets an object that provides information to generate and initialize items on the left side of the Settings Bar for the current PdfViewerControl. This is a dependency property.
LoadDocumentCommand Loads a document from the source passed via the command parameter.
MaxZoomFactor Gets or sets the maximum permitted run-time value of the PdfViewerControl.CurrentZoomFactor property.
NextPageCommand Scrolls to the next page.
OpenAttachmentCommand Returns a command that opens an attachment in the Attachments panel using the application associated with the attachment file type.
OpenFileCommand Invokes the file picker that allows the end-user to choose a document file to open.
OverlaySettings Gets or sets the object that stores overlay settings. This is a dependency property.
PageCount Gets the total number of pages in the current document. This is a dependency property.
PageMargin Gets or sets the inner indents for the PDF document. This is a dependency property.
PageSpacing Gets or sets the spacing between document pages. This is a dependency property.
PdfDocumentLoadingPolicy Specifies how PDF documents are loaded and processed for additional features such as text search, bookmarks, attachments, etc. This is a dependency property.
PdfViewMode Gets or sets whether the PDF Viewer displays document pages one by one in a continuous vertical column or only the current document page. This is a dependency property.
PreviousPageCommand Scrolls to the previous page.
PrintDocumentCommand Prints the document.
PrintDocumentSource Gets or sets the source for the print document. This is a dependency property.
RightSideSettingsBarItemsSource Gets or sets an object that provides information to generate and initialize items on the right side of the Settings Bar for the current PdfViewerControl. This is a dependency property.
SaveAsCommand Invokes the file save picker that allows the end-user to save the document.
SaveAttachmentCommand Returns a command that saves an attachment locally.
SetPageNumberCommand Goes to a specific page.
SettingsBarFlyoutItemTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a template used to visualize objects stored as elements in the PdfViewerControl.LeftSideSettingsBarItemsSource and PdfViewerControl.RightSideSettingsBarItemsSource collections. This is a dependency property.
SetViewModeCommand Sets the view mode.
SetZoomFactorCommand Sets the current zoom level.
SetZoomModeCommand Sets the current zoom mode.
ShowBookmarksButton Gets or sets whether to show the Bookmarks button within the Settings Bar. This is a dependency property.
ShowFindPanelCommand Shows the Search Panel.
ShowLeftSideDefaultSettingsBarItems Gets or sets whether to show items displayed on the left side of the Settings Bar. This is a dependency property.
ShowOpenDocumentButton Gets or sets whether to show the Open button within the Settings Bar. This is a dependency property.
ShowPrintDocumentButton Gets or sets whether to show the Print button within the Settings Bar. This is a dependency property.
ShowRightSideDefaultSettingsBarItems Gets or sets whether to show items displayed on the right side of the Settings Bar. This is a dependency property.
ShowSaveDocumentButton Gets or sets whether to show the Save button within the Settings Bar. This is a dependency property.
ThumbnailHeight Gets or sets the height of page thumbnails.
ThumbnailSpacing Gets or sets the spacing around a page thumbnail.
ToggleOverlayCommand Toggles the visibility of the specified overlay.
ViewerError Gets or sets the error message that is shown when a document fails to open. This is a dependency property.
ZoomCommand Sets the document zoom factor according to the command parameter.
ZoomMode Gets or sets the zoom mode that is applied to a PDF document. This is a dependency property.

Show Inherited Hide Inherited

Name Description
ClientToDocument(Point) Converts the PDF Viewer’s viewport coordinates of a screen point into document coordinates.
CloseDocument() Closes the current document.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetPage(Int32, Boolean) Gets a document page with the specified index.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


Name Description
DocumentLoaded Occurs when a PdfViewerControl control loads a PDF document.
DocumentLoadingFailed Occurs when a PdfViewerControl control fails to load a PDF document.
FileAttachmentOpening Occurs when an attachment is opening in the Attachments panel and allows you to manage the attachment opening behavior.
ReferencedDocumentOpening Occurs when opening an embedded or external document by clicking its corresponding link in a PDF document.
UriOpening Occurs after clicking a hyperlink addressing an external URI (universal resource identifier).
See Also