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PdfViewerControl.PdfDocumentLoadingPolicy Property

Specifies how PDF documents are loaded and processed for additional features such as text search, bookmarks, attachments, etc. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Controls

Assembly: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Controls.v21.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Uwp.Controls


public PdfDocumentLoadingPolicy PdfDocumentLoadingPolicy { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A PdfDocumentLoadingPolicy enumeration value. By default, PdfDocumentLoadingPolicy.InMemoryOnDemand.

Available values:

Name Description

The document is loaded on demand. Additional features are not available.


The document is fully loaded in memory. Additional features are not available.


The document is loaded on demand and processed for additional features as they are requested.


The document is fully loaded in memory and immediately preprocessed for all additional features.


The document is fully loaded in memory and processed for additional features as they are requested.


The PdfDocumentLoadingPolicy property allows you to optimize the PDF Viewer’s performance by selecting the mode that is the most appropriate for your scenario.

Modes that support additional features:

  • InMemory - Slower initial loading, more memory consumption, better performance.
  • InMemoryOnDemand - Faster initial loading, less memory consumption, slower performance on initial feature requests. Once the end-user requests all additional features available for a document, performance matches the InMemory mode.
  • OnDemand - Faster initial loading, minimal memory consumption and slower performance.

Modes that do not support additional features:

  • NativeOnly - Less memory consumption and slower performance.
  • NativeOnlyInMemory - More memory consumption and better performance.
See Also