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PdfOverlaySettingsBase Members

Contains settings specific to the PDF Viewer‘s overlay.


Name Description
AttachmentsPanelLocationProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.AttachmentsPanelLocation dependency property.
BookmarksPanelLocationProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.BookmarksPanelLocation dependency property.
FindPanelLocationProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.FindPanelLocation dependency property.
HidePageBarDelayProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.HidePageBarDelay dependency property.
HideZoomBarDelayProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.HideZoomBarDelay dependency property.
IsAttachmentsPanelVisibleProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.IsAttachmentsPanelVisible dependency property.
IsBookmarksPanelVisibleProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.IsBookmarksPanelVisible dependency property.
IsFindPanelVisibleProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.IsFindPanelVisible dependency property.
IsPageBarVisibleProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.IsPageBarVisible dependency property.
IsSettingsBarVisibleProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.IsSettingsBarVisible dependency property.
IsZoomBarVisibleProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.IsZoomBarVisible dependency property.
SettingsBarLocationProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.SettingsBarLocation dependency property.
ShowAttachmentsButtonProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.ShowAttachmentsButton dependency property.
ShowBookmarksButtonProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.ShowBookmarksButton dependency property.
ShowOpenDocumentButtonProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.ShowOpenDocumentButton dependency property.
ShowPrintDocumentButtonProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.ShowPrintDocumentButton dependency property.
ShowSaveDocumentButtonProperty static Identifies the PdfOverlaySettingsBase.ShowSaveDocumentButton dependency property.


Name Description
AttachmentsPanelLocation Gets or sets the object that specifies the location of the Attachments panel. This is a dependency property.
BookmarksPanelLocation Gets or sets the object that specifies the location of the Bookmarks Panel. This is a dependency property.
FindPanelLocation Gets or sets the object that specifies the location of the Search Panel. This is a dependency property.
HidePageBarDelay Gets or sets the time interval for which the Page Bar is being displayed when the current page changess. This is a dependency property.
HideZoomBarDelay Gets or sets the time interval for which the Zoom Bar is being displayed when the current zoom factor changess. This is a dependency property.
IsAttachmentsPanelVisible Gets or sets whether to enable the Attachments Panel. This is a dependency property.
IsBookmarksPanelVisible Gets or sets whether to enable the Bookmarks Panel. This is a dependency property.
IsFindPanelVisible Gets or sets whether to enable the Search Panel. This is a dependency property.
IsPageBarVisible Gets or sets whether to enable the Page Bar. This is a dependency property.
IsSettingsBarVisible Gets or sets whether to enable the Settings Bar. This is a dependency property.
IsZoomBarVisible Gets or sets whether to enable the Zoom Bar. This is a dependency property.
SettingsBarLocation Gets or sets the object that specifies the location of the Settings Bar. This is a dependency property.
ShowAttachmentsButton Gets or sets whether to show the Attachments button within the Settings Bar. This is a dependency property.
ShowBookmarksButton Gets or sets whether to show the Bookmarks button within the Settings Bar. This is a dependency property.
ShowOpenDocumentButton Gets or sets whether to show the Open button within the Settings Bar. This is a dependency property.
ShowPrintDocumentButton Gets or sets whether to show the Print button within the Settings Bar. This is a dependency property.
ShowSaveDocumentButton Gets or sets whether to show the Save button within the Settings Bar. This is a dependency property.

Show Inherited Hide Inherited

Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


See Also