Manage Interactivity Capabilities
- 5 minutes to read
You can use the Master Filtering and Drill-Down features to enable interaction between various dashboard items. You can also provide custom visual interactivity for data-bound dashboard items that support element selection and highlighting using the DashboardViewer.DashboardItemVisualInteractivity event.
#Master Filtering
For details on how to apply filtering using a specific dashboard item, refer to the Master Filtering topic in this item’s Interactivity section.
The DashboardViewer.CanSetMasterFilter method allows you to determine whether master filtering can be applied to the specified dashboard item. Use the DashboardViewer.GetAvailableFilterValues method to obtain axis point tuples that identify elements which can be selected in the master filter item’s current state. The DashboardViewer.GetEntireRange method returns the specified Range Filter dashboard item’s visible range.
To apply filtering in code, use the DashboardViewer.SetMasterFilter method (or DashboardViewer.SetRange method for the Range Filter dashboard item).
The DashboardViewer.MasterFilterSet event is raised after filtering is applied or the master filter item’s state changed. Its MasterFilterSetEventArgs.SelectedValues and MasterFilterSetEventArgs.SelectedRange properties allow you to obtain the currently selected values or the selected range of the dashboard item that causes the event.
For instance, for the dashboard in the image above, the MasterFilterSetEventArgs.SelectedValues property returns “Andrew Fuller”, “Ann Dodsworth” and “Laura Callahan” for the Grid dashboard item. For the Range Filter dashboard item, the MasterFilterSetEventArgs.SelectedRange property returns minimum and maximum values in the selected range (“March, 1997” and “October, 1997”, respectively).
To clear the selection in the Master Filter item, use the DashboardViewer.ClearMasterFilter method.
After the selection is cleared, the DashboardViewer.MasterFilterCleared event is raised.
To learn how end-users can drill down using a particular dashboard item, refer to this item’s Drill-Down topic in the Interactivity section.
The DashboardViewer.GetAvailableDrillDownValues method allows you to obtain values that can be used to perform drill-down.
To perform drill-down/drill-up in code, use the DashboardViewer.PerformDrillDown/DashboardViewer.PerformDrillUp methods.
After drill-down (or drill-up) is performed, the DashboardViewer.DrillDownPerformed (or DashboardViewer.DrillUpPerformed) event is raised.
You can use the DrillActionEventArgs.DrillDownLevel event parameter to determine the current drill-down level.
The DrillActionEventArgs.Values property allows you to obtain values from the current drill-down hierarchy.
#Custom Interactivity
The DashboardViewer allows you to provide custom visual interactivity for data-bound dashboard items that support element selection and highlighting using the DashboardViewer.DashboardItemVisualInteractivity event. This event is raised for dashboard items with disabled master filtering. Visual interactivity for master filter items are enabled by default. The DashboardViewer also fires this event when master filtering is applied to the current dashboard item.
Note that the Dashboard
Use the DashboardItemVisualInteractivityBaseEventArgs.DashboardItemName property to obtain the name of the dashboard item for which the event was raised.
The DashboardItemVisualInteractivityEventArgs.TargetAxes property allows you to specify data axes used to perform custom interactivity actions (selection of grid rows, selection and highlighting of chart series points, etc.). The DashboardItemVisualInteractivityEventArgs.Data event parameter returns the MultiDimensionalData object whose members allow you to obtain the available data axes.
To specify the selection mode and manage highlighting, use the DashboardItemVisualInteractivityBaseEventArgs.SelectionMode and DashboardItemVisualInteractivityBaseEventArgs.EnableHighlighting properties respectively. The DashboardItemVisualInteractivityEventArgs.SetDefaultSelection method provides the capability to specify the default selection for the current dashboard item.
After the selection is changed, the DashboardViewer.DashboardItemSelectionChanged event is raised. Its DashboardItemSelectionChangedEventArgs.CurrentSelection parameter returns the selected elements.
The following table lists possible target axes for each dashboard item and supported interactivity capabilities:
Dashboard Item | Target Axes | Selection | Highlighting |
A Grid dashboard item with enabled Cell Merging does not support custom interactivity.
[!exampleHow to Add Custom Interactivity to a Dashboard Displayed in the WinForms Viewer
#API Members
API (Master Filtering) | Description |
Dashboard |
Returns whether the master filter item allows users to select one or more elements. |
Dashboard |
Returns whether the master filter item allows users to select multiple elements. |
Dashboard |
Returns axis point tuples identifying elements that can be selected in the current state of the master filter item. |
Dashboard |
Returns the visible range for the specified Range Filter or Date Filter dashboard item. |
Dashboard |
Selects required elements in the specified master filter item. |
Dashboard |
Selects the required range in the specified Range Filter or Date Filter dashboard item. |
Dashboard |
Clears the specified master filter item. |
Dashboard |
Occurs when an end user changes the state of the master filter. |
Dashboard |
Occurs when an end user clears the selection in the master filter item. |
Dashboard |
Allows you to apply default filtering to master filter items. |
Dashboard |
Allows you to specify the default selected range in the Range Filter dashboard item. |
API (Drill-Down) | Description |
Dashboard |
Returns whether drill down is possible in the current state of the specified dashboard item. |
Dashboard |
Returns data identifying the elements that can be used to perform drill-down in the specified dashboard item. |
Dashboard |
Returns whether drill up is possible in the current state of the specified dashboard item. |
Dashboard |
Performs a drill-down for the required element. |
Dashboard |
Performs a drill-up in the specified dashboard item. |
Dashboard |
Occurs after drill-down is performed. |
Dashboard |
Occurs after a drill-up is performed. |