BarItemCollection Class
A collection of items in the Rich Text Editor‘s ribbon group or toolbar group.
Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor.Office
Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor
public class BarItemCollection :
#Related API Members
The following members return BarItemCollection objects:
The Rich Text Editor can display its command bar in two ways:
Ribbon UI. The ribbon consists of multiple tabs. A tab includes groups, and a group can contain various items.
Toolbar UI. The toolbar consists of groups, and each group contains one or more items.
Use the BarItemCollection
class methods to add default or custom items to the bar.
#Add Default Items
The Add
method overloads allow you to add a predefined item to a ribbon or toolbar group. Use the RichEditBarItemNames class properties to obtain names of all built-in items.
The following code snippet customizes the ribbon as follows:
- Gets the default Insert tab.
- Gets the tab’s Insert Header and Footer group.
- Adds the default Insert Date Field and Insert Time Field items to this group.
<DxRichEdit CustomizeRibbon=OnCustomizeRibbon />
@code {
void OnCustomizeRibbon(IRibbon ribbon) {
IRibbonTab insertTab = ribbon.Tabs[RichEditRibbonTabNames.Insert];
IBarGroup group = insertTab.Groups[RichEditRibbonGroupNames.InsertHeaderAndFooter];
// Inserts the Insert Time Field item at the end of the item collection
// Inserts the Insert Date Field item at the first position in the item collection
group.Items.Add(0, RichEditBarItemNames.InsertDateField);
#Add Custom Items
Call one of the following method overloads to add a custom item to the item collection:
The following code snippet creates a custom group on the File ribbon tab and adds the following items to this group:
- A button that allows users to export a document to a specific format.
- A combo box that allows users to select a target document format.
<DxRichEdit @ref=@rich DocumentFormat=@documentFormat @bind-Modified=@modified
@code {
DxRichEdit rich;
DocumentFormat documentFormat = DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
bool modified = false;
void OnCustomizeRibbon(IRibbon ribbon) {
IBarGroup fileGroup = ribbon.Tabs[RichEditRibbonTabNames.File].Groups.AddCustomGroup(0);
// Inserts a custom combo box at the end of the item collection
IBarComboBox documentFormatComboBox = fileGroup.Items.AddCustomComboBox(
() => documentFormat,
(value) => Task.FromResult(documentFormat = (DocumentFormat)value)
documentFormatComboBox.Items.Add("DOCX", DocumentFormat.OpenXml);
documentFormatComboBox.Items.Add("RTF", DocumentFormat.Rtf);
// Inserts a custom button at the first position in the item collection
IBarButton exportButton = fileGroup.Items.AddCustomButton(0, "Export", DownloadDocumentAsync);
async Task DownloadDocumentAsync() {
if (documentFormat == DocumentFormat.OpenXml)
await rich.ExportDocumentAsync("C:\\Users\\Public\\annual-report.docx", documentFormat);
await rich.ExportDocumentAsync("C:\\Users\\Public\\annual-report.rtf", documentFormat);