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DxAIChat Properties

An AI-powered chat component.
Name Description
CssClass Assigns a CSS class to the DxAIChat component.
EmptyMessageAreaTemplate Specifies the template used to display the message area if there are no message bubbles.
FrequencyPenalty Specifies how the model penalizes new tokens based on their frequency in the text.
MaxTokens Limits the maximum number of tokens to generate in a single call to a GPT model.
MessageContentTemplate Specifies a template used to display message bubble content.
MessageTemplate Specifies the template used to display chat messages.
ResponseContentFormat Specifies the format of response content.
SizeMode Specifies the size of the component and its content.
Temperature Specifies the response text randomness.
UseStreaming Specifies whether a response should be sent as a stream.
See Also