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RangeSelectorScaleBuilder Methods

Provides methods that allow you to configure nested options of the client-side scale object.
Name Description
AggregateByCategory(JS) Obsolete. Aggregates series points that fall into the same category. Mirrors the client-side aggregateByCategory option.
AggregateByCategory(Boolean) Obsolete. Aggregates series points that fall into the same category. Mirrors the client-side aggregateByCategory option.
AggregationGroupWidth(JS) Specifies the length of aggregation intervals in pixels. Does not apply if aggregateByCategory is true. May be ignored in favor of the aggregationInterval property. Mirrors the client-side aggregationGroupWidth option.
AggregationGroupWidth(Double) Specifies the length of aggregation intervals in pixels. Does not apply if aggregateByCategory is true. May be ignored in favor of the aggregationInterval property. Mirrors the client-side aggregationGroupWidth option.
AggregationInterval(JS) Specifies the length of aggregation intervals in scale units. Applies only to the scale of the continuous or logarithmic type. Mirrors the client-side aggregationInterval option.
AggregationInterval(VizTimeInterval) Specifies the length of aggregation intervals in scale units. Applies only to the scale of the continuous or logarithmic type. Mirrors the client-side aggregationInterval option.
AggregationInterval(Action<RangeSelectorScaleAggregationIntervalBuilder>) Specifies the length of aggregation intervals in scale units. Applies only to the scale of the continuous or logarithmic type. Mirrors the client-side aggregationInterval object.
AggregationInterval(Double) Specifies the length of aggregation intervals in scale units. Applies only to the scale of the continuous or logarithmic type. Mirrors the client-side aggregationInterval option.
AllowDecimals(JS) Specifies whether to allow decimal values on the scale. When false, the scale contains integer values only. Mirrors the client-side allowDecimals option.
AllowDecimals(Boolean) Specifies whether to allow decimal values on the scale. When false, the scale contains integer values only. Mirrors the client-side allowDecimals option.
Breaks(Action<CollectionFactory<VizScaleBreakBuilder>>) Provides access to the client-side breaks option that represents a scale break collection.
BreakStyle(Action<RangeSelectorScaleBreakStyleBuilder>) Configures the scale breaks' appearance. Mirrors the client-side breakStyle object.
Categories(JS) Specifies the order of arguments on a discrete scale. Mirrors the client-side categories option.
Categories(IEnumerable<DateTime>) Specifies the order of arguments on a discrete scale. Mirrors the client-side categories option.
Categories(IEnumerable<Double>) Specifies the order of arguments on a discrete scale. Mirrors the client-side categories option.
Categories(IEnumerable<String>) Specifies the order of arguments on a discrete scale. Mirrors the client-side categories option.
EndOnTick(JS) Specifies whether to force the scale to start and end on ticks. Mirrors the client-side endOnTick option.
EndOnTick(Boolean) Specifies whether to force the scale to start and end on ticks. Mirrors the client-side endOnTick option.
EndValue(JS) Specifies the scale's end value. Mirrors the client-side endValue option.
EndValue(DateTime) Specifies the scale's end value. Mirrors the client-side endValue option.
EndValue(Double) Specifies the scale's end value. Mirrors the client-side endValue option.
EndValue(String) Specifies the scale's end value. Mirrors the client-side endValue option.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
Holidays(JS) Days to be excluded from the scale when workdaysOnly is true. Mirrors the client-side holidays option.
Holidays(IEnumerable<DateTime>) Days to be excluded from the scale when workdaysOnly is true. Mirrors the client-side holidays option.
Holidays(IEnumerable<Double>) Days to be excluded from the scale when workdaysOnly is true. Mirrors the client-side holidays option.
Holidays(IEnumerable<String>) Days to be excluded from the scale when workdaysOnly is true. Mirrors the client-side holidays option.
Label(Action<RangeSelectorScaleLabelBuilder>) Specifies common properties for scale labels. Mirrors the client-side label object.
LinearThreshold(JS) Specifies a value used to calculate the range on a logarithmic scale within which the scale should be linear. Applies only if the data source contains negative values or zeroes. Mirrors the client-side linearThreshold option.
LinearThreshold(Double) Specifies a value used to calculate the range on a logarithmic scale within which the scale should be linear. Applies only if the data source contains negative values or zeroes. Mirrors the client-side linearThreshold option.
LogarithmBase(JS) Specifies the value to be raised to a power when generating ticks for a logarithmic scale. Mirrors the client-side logarithmBase option.
LogarithmBase(Double) Specifies the value to be raised to a power when generating ticks for a logarithmic scale. Mirrors the client-side logarithmBase option.
Marker(Action<RangeSelectorScaleMarkerBuilder>) Specifies properties for the date-time scale's markers. Mirrors the client-side marker object.
MaxRange(JS) Specifies the maximum range that can be selected. Mirrors the client-side maxRange option.
MaxRange(VizTimeInterval) Specifies the maximum range that can be selected. Mirrors the client-side maxRange option.
MaxRange(Action<RangeSelectorScaleMaxRangeBuilder>) Specifies the maximum range that can be selected. Mirrors the client-side maxRange object.
MaxRange(Double) Specifies the maximum range that can be selected. Mirrors the client-side maxRange option.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MinorTick(Action<RangeSelectorScaleMinorTickBuilder>) Specifies properties of the range selector's minor ticks. Mirrors the client-side minorTick object.
MinorTickCount(JS) Specifies the number of minor ticks between neighboring major ticks. Mirrors the client-side minorTickCount option.
MinorTickCount(Int32) Specifies the number of minor ticks between neighboring major ticks. Mirrors the client-side minorTickCount option.
MinorTickInterval(JS) Specifies an interval between minor ticks. Mirrors the client-side minorTickInterval option.
MinorTickInterval(VizTimeInterval) Specifies an interval between minor ticks. Mirrors the client-side minorTickInterval option.
MinorTickInterval(Action<RangeSelectorScaleMinorTickIntervalBuilder>) Specifies an interval between minor ticks. Mirrors the client-side minorTickInterval object.
MinorTickInterval(Double) Specifies an interval between minor ticks. Mirrors the client-side minorTickInterval option.
MinRange(JS) Specifies the minimum range that can be selected. Mirrors the client-side minRange option.
MinRange(VizTimeInterval) Specifies the minimum range that can be selected. Mirrors the client-side minRange option.
MinRange(Action<RangeSelectorScaleMinRangeBuilder>) Specifies the minimum range that can be selected. Mirrors the client-side minRange object.
MinRange(Double) Specifies the minimum range that can be selected. Mirrors the client-side minRange option.
Option(String, Object) Specifies an option by its name.
PlaceholderHeight(JS) Specifies the height of the space reserved for the scale in pixels. Mirrors the client-side placeholderHeight option.
PlaceholderHeight(Double) Specifies the height of the space reserved for the scale in pixels. Mirrors the client-side placeholderHeight option.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ShowCustomBoundaryTicks(JS) Specifies whether or not to show ticks for the boundary scale values, when neither major ticks nor minor ticks are created for these values. Mirrors the client-side showCustomBoundaryTicks option.
ShowCustomBoundaryTicks(Boolean) Specifies whether or not to show ticks for the boundary scale values, when neither major ticks nor minor ticks are created for these values. Mirrors the client-side showCustomBoundaryTicks option.
SingleWorkdays(JS) Days to be included in the scale when workdaysOnly is true. Mirrors the client-side singleWorkdays option.
SingleWorkdays(IEnumerable<DateTime>) Days to be included in the scale when workdaysOnly is true. Mirrors the client-side singleWorkdays option.
SingleWorkdays(IEnumerable<Double>) Days to be included in the scale when workdaysOnly is true. Mirrors the client-side singleWorkdays option.
SingleWorkdays(IEnumerable<String>) Days to be included in the scale when workdaysOnly is true. Mirrors the client-side singleWorkdays option.
StartValue(JS) Specifies the scale's start value. Mirrors the client-side startValue option.
StartValue(DateTime) Specifies the scale's start value. Mirrors the client-side startValue option.
StartValue(Double) Specifies the scale's start value. Mirrors the client-side startValue option.
StartValue(String) Specifies the scale's start value. Mirrors the client-side startValue option.
Tick(Action<RangeSelectorScaleTickBuilder>) Specifies properties defining the appearance of scale ticks. Mirrors the client-side tick object.
TickInterval(JS) Specifies an interval between axis ticks. Mirrors the client-side tickInterval option.
TickInterval(VizTimeInterval) Specifies an interval between axis ticks. Mirrors the client-side tickInterval option.
TickInterval(Action<RangeSelectorScaleTickIntervalBuilder>) Specifies an interval between axis ticks. Mirrors the client-side tickInterval object.
TickInterval(Double) Specifies an interval between axis ticks. Mirrors the client-side tickInterval option.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
Type(RangeSelectorAxisScaleType) Specifies the type of the scale. Mirrors the client-side type option.
ValueType(ChartDataType) Specifies the type of values on the scale. Mirrors the client-side valueType option.
WorkdaysOnly(JS) Leaves only workdays on the scale: the work week days plus single workdays minus holidays. Applies only if the scale's valueType is 'datetime'. Mirrors the client-side workdaysOnly option.
WorkdaysOnly(Boolean) Leaves only workdays on the scale: the work week days plus single workdays minus holidays. Applies only if the scale's valueType is 'datetime'. Mirrors the client-side workdaysOnly option.
WorkWeek(JS) Specifies which days are workdays. The array can contain values from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). Applies only if workdaysOnly is true. Mirrors the client-side workWeek option.
WorkWeek(IEnumerable<Int32>) Specifies which days are workdays. The array can contain values from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). Applies only if workdaysOnly is true. Mirrors the client-side workWeek option.
See Also