ChartAnnotationConfigBuilder Methods
Represents an annotation config.Name | Description |
AllowDragging(JS) | Specifies whether users can drag and drop the annotation. Mirrors the client-side allowDragging option. |
AllowDragging(Boolean) | Specifies whether users can drag and drop the annotation. Mirrors the client-side allowDragging option. |
Argument(JS) | Positions the annotation relative to a specific argument. Mirrors the client-side argument option. |
Argument(DateTime) | Positions the annotation relative to a specific argument. Mirrors the client-side argument option. |
Argument(Double) | Positions the annotation relative to a specific argument. Mirrors the client-side argument option. |
Argument(String) | Positions the annotation relative to a specific argument. Mirrors the client-side argument option. |
ArrowLength(JS) | Specifies the length of the annotation's arrow in pixels. Mirrors the client-side arrowLength option. |
ArrowLength(Double) | Specifies the length of the annotation's arrow in pixels. Mirrors the client-side arrowLength option. |
ArrowWidth(JS) | Specifies the width of the annotation's arrow at its junction with the annotation rectangle. Mirrors the client-side arrowWidth option. |
ArrowWidth(Double) | Specifies the width of the annotation's arrow at its junction with the annotation rectangle. Mirrors the client-side arrowWidth option. |
Axis(JS) | Specifies the name of the value axis on which the value is specified. Useful for a multi-axis chart. Mirrors the client-side axis option. |
Axis(String) | Specifies the name of the value axis on which the value is specified. Useful for a multi-axis chart. Mirrors the client-side axis option. |
Border(Action<ChartAnnotationConfigBorderBuilder>) | Configures the appearance of the annotation's border. Mirrors the client-side border object. |
Color(JS) | Specifies the color that fills the annotation. Mirrors the client-side color option. |
Color(String) | Specifies the color that fills the annotation. Mirrors the client-side color option. |
CustomizeTooltip(RazorBlock) | Customizes the text and appearance of the annotation's tooltip. Mirrors the client-side customizeTooltip option. |
CustomizeTooltip(String) | Customizes the text and appearance of the annotation's tooltip. Mirrors the client-side customizeTooltip option. |
Data(Object) | A container for custom data. Mirrors the client-side data option. |
Description(JS) | Specifies the annotation's description in the tooltip. Mirrors the client-side description option. |
Description(String) | Specifies the annotation's description in the tooltip. Mirrors the client-side description option. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Font(Action<VizFontBuilder>) | Specifies the annotation's font properties. Applies to text annotations only. Mirrors the client-side font object. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
Height(JS) | Specifies the annotation's height in pixels. Mirrors the client-side height option. |
Height(Double) | Specifies the annotation's height in pixels. Mirrors the client-side height option. |
Image(JS) | Configures the image to be displayed in the annotation. Applies only if the type is 'image'. Mirrors the client-side image option. |
Image(Action<ChartAnnotationConfigImageBuilder>) | Configures the image to be displayed in the annotation. Applies only if the type is 'image'. Mirrors the client-side image object. |
Image(String) | Configures the image to be displayed in the annotation. Applies only if the type is 'image'. Mirrors the client-side image option. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
Name(JS) | Specifies the annotation's name. Mirrors the client-side name option. |
Name(String) | Specifies the annotation's name. Mirrors the client-side name option. |
OffsetX(JS) | Moves the annotation horizontally. Mirrors the client-side offsetX option. |
OffsetX(Double) | Moves the annotation horizontally. Mirrors the client-side offsetX option. |
OffsetY(JS) | Moves the annotation vertically. Mirrors the client-side offsetY option. |
OffsetY(Double) | Moves the annotation vertically. Mirrors the client-side offsetY option. |
Opacity(JS) | Specifies the annotation's opacity. Mirrors the client-side opacity option. |
Opacity(Double) | Specifies the annotation's opacity. Mirrors the client-side opacity option. |
Option(String, Object) | Specifies an option by its name. |
PaddingLeftRight(JS) | Used with paddingTopBottom to generate an empty space around the annotation's text or image (specified in pixels). Mirrors the client-side paddingLeftRight option. |
PaddingLeftRight(Double) | Used with paddingTopBottom to generate an empty space around the annotation's text or image (specified in pixels). Mirrors the client-side paddingLeftRight option. |
PaddingTopBottom(JS) | Along with paddingLeftRight, generates an empty space around the annotation's text or image; specified in pixels. Mirrors the client-side paddingTopBottom option. |
PaddingTopBottom(Double) | Along with paddingLeftRight, generates an empty space around the annotation's text or image; specified in pixels. Mirrors the client-side paddingTopBottom option. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
Series(JS) | Anchors the annotation to a series point. Accepts the name of the point's series. Mirrors the client-side series option. |
Series(String) | Anchors the annotation to a series point. Accepts the name of the point's series. Mirrors the client-side series option. |
Shadow(Action<ChartAnnotationConfigShadowBuilder>) | Configures the annotation's shadows. Mirrors the client-side shadow object. |
Template(JS) | Specifies the client-side template. |
Template(RazorBlock) | Specifies the client-side template. |
Template(TemplateName) | Specifies the client-side template. |
Template(String) | Specifies the client-side template. |
Text(JS) | Specifies the annotation's text. Applies only if the type is 'text'. Mirrors the client-side text option. |
Text(String) | Specifies the annotation's text. Applies only if the type is 'text'. Mirrors the client-side text option. |
TextOverflow(VizTextOverflow) | Specifies what to do with the annotation's text when it overflows the allocated space after applying wordWrap: hide, truncate it and display an ellipsis, or do nothing. Mirrors the client-side textOverflow option. |
TooltipEnabled(JS) | Specifies whether the annotation tooltip is enabled. Mirrors the client-side tooltipEnabled option. |
TooltipEnabled(Boolean) | Specifies whether the annotation tooltip is enabled. Mirrors the client-side tooltipEnabled option. |
TooltipTemplate(JS) | Specifies the client-side tooltipTemplate. |
TooltipTemplate(RazorBlock) | Specifies the client-side tooltipTemplate. |
TooltipTemplate(TemplateName) | Specifies the client-side tooltipTemplate. |
TooltipTemplate(String) | Specifies the client-side tooltipTemplate. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Type(AnnotationType) | Specifies whether the annotation displays text, an image, or a template. This is a required setting. Mirrors the client-side type option. |
Value(JS) | Positions the annotation relative to a value on the specified value axis. Mirrors the client-side value option. |
Value(DateTime) | Positions the annotation relative to a value on the specified value axis. Mirrors the client-side value option. |
Value(Double) | Positions the annotation relative to a value on the specified value axis. Mirrors the client-side value option. |
Value(String) | Positions the annotation relative to a value on the specified value axis. Mirrors the client-side value option. |
Width(JS) | Specifies the annotation's width in pixels. Mirrors the client-side width option. |
Width(Double) | Specifies the annotation's width in pixels. Mirrors the client-side width option. |
WordWrap(VizWordWrap) | Specifies how to wrap the annotation's text if it does not fit into a single line. Mirrors the client-side wordWrap option. |
X(JS) | Mirrors the client-side x option. |
X(Double) | Mirrors the client-side x option. |
Y(JS) | Mirrors the client-side y option. |
Y(Double) | Mirrors the client-side y option. |
See Also