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ChartAnnotationConfigBuilder Members

Represents an annotation config.


Name Description
ChartAnnotationConfigBuilder(OptionsOwnerContext) For internal use only. Initializes a new ChartAnnotationConfigBuilder class instance.


Name Description
AllowDragging(JS) Specifies whether users can drag and drop the annotation. Mirrors the client-side allowDragging option.
AllowDragging(Boolean) Specifies whether users can drag and drop the annotation. Mirrors the client-side allowDragging option.
Argument(JS) Positions the annotation relative to a specific argument. Mirrors the client-side argument option.
Argument(DateTime) Positions the annotation relative to a specific argument. Mirrors the client-side argument option.
Argument(Double) Positions the annotation relative to a specific argument. Mirrors the client-side argument option.
Argument(String) Positions the annotation relative to a specific argument. Mirrors the client-side argument option.
ArrowLength(JS) Specifies the length of the annotation's arrow in pixels. Mirrors the client-side arrowLength option.
ArrowLength(Double) Specifies the length of the annotation's arrow in pixels. Mirrors the client-side arrowLength option.
ArrowWidth(JS) Specifies the width of the annotation's arrow at its junction with the annotation rectangle. Mirrors the client-side arrowWidth option.
ArrowWidth(Double) Specifies the width of the annotation's arrow at its junction with the annotation rectangle. Mirrors the client-side arrowWidth option.
Axis(JS) Specifies the name of the value axis on which the value is specified. Useful for a multi-axis chart. Mirrors the client-side axis option.
Axis(String) Specifies the name of the value axis on which the value is specified. Useful for a multi-axis chart. Mirrors the client-side axis option.
Border(Action<ChartAnnotationConfigBorderBuilder>) Configures the appearance of the annotation's border. Mirrors the client-side border object.
Color(JS) Specifies the color that fills the annotation. Mirrors the client-side color option.
Color(String) Specifies the color that fills the annotation. Mirrors the client-side color option.
CustomizeTooltip(RazorBlock) Customizes the text and appearance of the annotation's tooltip. Mirrors the client-side customizeTooltip option.
CustomizeTooltip(String) Customizes the text and appearance of the annotation's tooltip. Mirrors the client-side customizeTooltip option.
Data(Object) A container for custom data. Mirrors the client-side data option.
Description(JS) Specifies the annotation's description in the tooltip. Mirrors the client-side description option.
Description(String) Specifies the annotation's description in the tooltip. Mirrors the client-side description option.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Font(Action<VizFontBuilder>) Specifies the annotation's font properties. Applies to text annotations only. Mirrors the client-side font object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
Height(JS) Specifies the annotation's height in pixels. Mirrors the client-side height option.
Height(Double) Specifies the annotation's height in pixels. Mirrors the client-side height option.
Image(JS) Configures the image to be displayed in the annotation. Applies only if the type is 'image'. Mirrors the client-side image option.
Image(Action<ChartAnnotationConfigImageBuilder>) Configures the image to be displayed in the annotation. Applies only if the type is 'image'. Mirrors the client-side image object.
Image(String) Configures the image to be displayed in the annotation. Applies only if the type is 'image'. Mirrors the client-side image option.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
Name(JS) Specifies the annotation's name. Mirrors the client-side name option.
Name(String) Specifies the annotation's name. Mirrors the client-side name option.
OffsetX(JS) Moves the annotation horizontally. Mirrors the client-side offsetX option.
OffsetX(Double) Moves the annotation horizontally. Mirrors the client-side offsetX option.
OffsetY(JS) Moves the annotation vertically. Mirrors the client-side offsetY option.
OffsetY(Double) Moves the annotation vertically. Mirrors the client-side offsetY option.
Opacity(JS) Specifies the annotation's opacity. Mirrors the client-side opacity option.
Opacity(Double) Specifies the annotation's opacity. Mirrors the client-side opacity option.
Option(String, Object) Specifies an option by its name.
PaddingLeftRight(JS) Used with paddingTopBottom to generate an empty space around the annotation's text or image (specified in pixels). Mirrors the client-side paddingLeftRight option.
PaddingLeftRight(Double) Used with paddingTopBottom to generate an empty space around the annotation's text or image (specified in pixels). Mirrors the client-side paddingLeftRight option.
PaddingTopBottom(JS) Along with paddingLeftRight, generates an empty space around the annotation's text or image; specified in pixels. Mirrors the client-side paddingTopBottom option.
PaddingTopBottom(Double) Along with paddingLeftRight, generates an empty space around the annotation's text or image; specified in pixels. Mirrors the client-side paddingTopBottom option.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Series(JS) Anchors the annotation to a series point. Accepts the name of the point's series. Mirrors the client-side series option.
Series(String) Anchors the annotation to a series point. Accepts the name of the point's series. Mirrors the client-side series option.
Shadow(Action<ChartAnnotationConfigShadowBuilder>) Configures the annotation's shadows. Mirrors the client-side shadow object.
Template(JS) Specifies the client-side template.
Template(RazorBlock) Specifies the client-side template.
Template(TemplateName) Specifies the client-side template.
Template(String) Specifies the client-side template.
Text(JS) Specifies the annotation's text. Applies only if the type is 'text'. Mirrors the client-side text option.
Text(String) Specifies the annotation's text. Applies only if the type is 'text'. Mirrors the client-side text option.
TextOverflow(VizTextOverflow) Specifies what to do with the annotation's text when it overflows the allocated space after applying wordWrap: hide, truncate it and display an ellipsis, or do nothing. Mirrors the client-side textOverflow option.
TooltipEnabled(JS) Specifies whether the annotation tooltip is enabled. Mirrors the client-side tooltipEnabled option.
TooltipEnabled(Boolean) Specifies whether the annotation tooltip is enabled. Mirrors the client-side tooltipEnabled option.
TooltipTemplate(JS) Specifies the client-side tooltipTemplate.
TooltipTemplate(RazorBlock) Specifies the client-side tooltipTemplate.
TooltipTemplate(TemplateName) Specifies the client-side tooltipTemplate.
TooltipTemplate(String) Specifies the client-side tooltipTemplate.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
Type(AnnotationType) Specifies whether the annotation displays text, an image, or a template. This is a required setting. Mirrors the client-side type option.
Value(JS) Positions the annotation relative to a value on the specified value axis. Mirrors the client-side value option.
Value(DateTime) Positions the annotation relative to a value on the specified value axis. Mirrors the client-side value option.
Value(Double) Positions the annotation relative to a value on the specified value axis. Mirrors the client-side value option.
Value(String) Positions the annotation relative to a value on the specified value axis. Mirrors the client-side value option.
Width(JS) Specifies the annotation's width in pixels. Mirrors the client-side width option.
Width(Double) Specifies the annotation's width in pixels. Mirrors the client-side width option.
WordWrap(VizWordWrap) Specifies how to wrap the annotation's text if it does not fit into a single line. Mirrors the client-side wordWrap option.
X(JS) Mirrors the client-side x option.
X(Double) Mirrors the client-side x option.
Y(JS) Mirrors the client-side y option.
Y(Double) Mirrors the client-side y option.
See Also