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Dependencies specify relationships between tasks.

Gantt - Dependencies

The Gantt supports the following dependency types:

Dependency type


Supported Values

Finish to Start (FS)

The predecessor task’s endpoint specifies the successor task’s start point.
Gantt - Dependency - Finish to Start

0, “0”, “FS”, “fs”

Start to Start (SS)

The predecessor task’s start point specifies the successor task’s start point.
Gantt - Dependency - Start to Start

1, “1”, “SS”, “ss”

Finish to Finish (FF)

The predecessor task’s end point specifies the successor task’s end point.
Gantt - Dependency - Finish to Finish

2, “2”, “FF”, “ff”

Start to Finish (SF)

The predecessor task’s start point specifies the successor task’s end point.
Gantt - Dependency - Start to Finish

3, “3”, “SF”, “sf”

The Gantt gets data for dependencies from a data source (DependenciesDataSourceID). Use the Dependency object to specify which fields in the data source correspond to dependency properties.

<dx:ASPxGantt ID="Gantt" runat="server" DependenciesDataSourceID="DependenciesDataSource" ... >
        <Dependency Key="ID" PredecessorKey="ParentID" SuccessorKey="DependentID" DependencyType="Type" />
        <!--. .. -->
    <!-- ... -->

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="DependenciesDataSource" runat="server" 
ConnectionString='<%$ ConnectionStrings:DevelopmentGanttConnectionString %>' 
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [TaskDependencies]" />

Use the EnableDependencyValidation property to validate relationships between tasks when they are edited.

<dx:ASPxGantt ID="Gantt" >
    <!-- ... -->
    <SettingsValidation EnableDependencyValidation="true" />

Run Demo: ASPxGantt - Validation


#See Also

See Also