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Annotations Position and Layout

  • 2 minutes to read

This topic describes how you can position annotations.

#Relative and Absolute Position

Use the Annotation.ShapePosition property to specify the position of an annotation. The position can be of two types: free or relative.

Position Type


Free Position


If the Annotation.ShapePosition property is set to the FreePosition type, you can specify whether the anchor point is targeted to the chart or a pane (FreePosition.DockTarget), and choose the corner where the annotation is docked (FreePosition.DockCorner).

In addition, you can specify the indents from the annotation and its dock target element (chart or pane) with the FreePosition.InnerIndents and FreePosition.OuterIndents properties, whose values are summarized.

Relative Position


If the Annotation.ShapePosition property is set to the RelativePosition type, you can specify the annotation’s angle at its anchor point (RelativePosition.Angle), and the length of its connecting line (RelativePosition.ConnectorLength).

#Annotation Layout

Annotations that are positioned within the diagram and do not fit in its dimensions are cut off. You can make an annotation behave similarly to series labels, so that it shrinks the diagram to fit completely. To do so, use the Annotation.LabelMode property.

LabelMode = false LabelMode = true
LabelMode_false LabelMode_true

To learn about the limitations imposed by using the label mode, refer to the Annotation.LabelMode property’s description.

In addition, you can customize the size of the annotation (ImageAnnotation.SizeMode and TextAnnotation.AutoSize), and the angle by which the annotation’s shape (where the annotation’s image or text is displayed) is rotated (Annotation.Angle).

When multiple annotations are displayed, you can use the Annotation.ZOrder property to control their Z-order.

See Also