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Getting Started

This section provides tutorials to help get started with the DevExpress ASP.NET Chart Control. It includes examples that demonstrate the basic functionality of the Chart control, and step-by-step instructions on how to create simple to advanced charting applications in Visual Studio.

For basic information on how to use the ASP.NET Chart control, refer to the following help topic section: Fundamentals.

#Step-by-Step Tutorials

Review the following tutorials to get started with the ASP.NET Chart control.

#Online Videos

In addition to the lessons listed above, online videos are also available for the ASP.NET Chart control. These videos are especially helpful for developers who have recently started working with Visual Studio .NET, and those who have not yet seen our Chart control in action. In general, these online demos show how to replicate the steps described in the corresponding lessons, and demonstrate additional features.

Online videos for the ASP.NET Chart control are available on the DevExpress YouTube Channel.