How to: Add Windows
- 2 minutes to read
You can use one of the following methods to manually add popup windows to ASPxPopupControl:
- Use the ASPxPopupControl Designer.
- Modify the ASPxPopupControl.Windows collection manually at runtime.
- Insert the required popup windows directly in the Windows section of the ASPxPopupControl markup.
You can also bind the control to a data source. In this case, the control automatically creates a PopupWindow object for each record in the data source.
#In the Designer
Use one of the following techniques to invoke the designer:
Smart Tag command
Invoke the ASPxPopupControl smart tag menu and click Designer….
Context Menu command
Right-click the ASPxPopupControl and click Designer….
Properties Window command
In the Properties window, click Designer….
In the Windows section, you can click the Add button to add a new popup window and configure its settings in the Item Properties area.
#At Runtime
Use one of the following methods of the ASPxPopupControl.Windows collection to add new popup windows at runtime:
The PopupWindowCollection.Add method - Creates a new object and adds this object to the ASPxPopupControl.Windows collection.
protected void Popup_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Adds a new window with specified settings and immediately displays it on page load. Popup.Windows.Add("My custom content", "MyWindow", "Header", "Footer").ShowOnPageLoad = true; }
The Collection<T>.Add and Collection<T>.AddRange methods inherited from the Collection<T> class. These methods require one or more previously created PopupWindow objects to be passed as a parameter.
protected void Popup_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Creates a list of new windows List<PopupWindow> windowList = new List<PopupWindow>(); foreach (Customer customer in CustomersList) windowList.Add(new PopupWindow() { HeaderText = customer.Name, FooterText = customer.Country, Text = customer.Details }); // Adds the first window from the newly created window list to the collection Popup.Windows.Add(windowList[0]); // Adds the first two windows from the list to the collection Popup.Windows.Add(windowList[0], windowList[1]); // Adds the entire list to the collection Popup.Windows.AddRange(windowList); }
#In Markup
You can add PopupWindow object instances in the Windows section of the markup. See the simple code example below.
<dx:ASPxPopupControl runat="server" ID="Popup">
<dx:PopupWindow Name="AndrewFuller" HeaderText="Andrew Fuller" FooterText="Tacoma, USA"></dx:PopupWindow>
<dx:PopupWindow Name="JanetLeverling" HeaderText="Janet Leverling" FooterText="Kirkland, USA"></dx:PopupWindow>
<dx:PopupWindow Name="MargaretPeacock" HeaderText="Margaret Peacock" FooterText="Seattle, USA"></dx:PopupWindow>
<dx:PopupWindow Name="NancyDavolio" HeaderText="Nancy Davolio" FooterText="Redmond, USA"></dx:PopupWindow>