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State Indicator

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An Indicator is a visual element that shows the current fixed state of a State Indicator control. You can use the StateIndicator.StateIndex property to specify this state.

When the current state index is changed, a State Indicator automatically displays another image that corresponds to the current state.

The appearance of a State Indicator depends on the current image, enumerated by the StateIndicatorShapeType type. You can access this type from the StateIndicator.States collection.

The following images show different state indicator shape types:

Traffic Lights Lamp
StateIndicator1 StateIndicator2
Arrow Currency USD
StateIndicator3 StateIndicator_Indicator4
Flag USA Smile
Indicator5 Indicator6

The table below lists the main properties that affect element behavior and appearance.

Characteristics Members
Data StateIndicator.StateIndex,StateIndicator.State,StateIndicator.States
Appearance BaseLeafPrimitive.Shader
Size StateIndicator.Center,StateIndicator.Size
Layout BaseLeafPrimitive.ZOrder

#Custom Label

A Custom Label displays custom text that you can place at any location on a state indicator.


Custom labels are instances of the Label class that are stored in the BaseGaugeWin.Labels collection.

The table below lists the main properties that affect element behavior and appearance.

Characteristics Members
Data Label.Name,Label.Text,Label.FormatString,Label.AllowHTMLString
Layout Label.Position,Label.Size,Label.TextOrientation,Label.TextShape,BaseLeafPrimitive.ZOrder
Appearance Label.AppearanceText,Label.AppearanceBackground,BaseLeafPrimitive.Shader