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IQueryBuilderClientSideModelGenerator.GetJsonModelScript Method

Name Parameters Description
GetJsonModelScript(DataConnectionParametersBase, SelectQuery, Int32) connectionParameters, tableQuery, commandTimeout Creates a client-side Web Query Builder model based on the specified data and serializes this model to JSON.
GetJsonModelScript(DataConnectionParametersBase, SelectQuery) connectionParameters, tableQuery Creates a client-side Web Query Builder model based on the specified data and serializes this model to JSON.
GetJsonModelScript(DataConnectionParametersBase, Int32) connectionParameters, commandTimeout Creates a client-side Web Query Builder model based on the specified data and serializes this model to JSON.
GetJsonModelScript(DataConnectionParametersBase) connectionParameters Creates a client-side Web Query Builder model based on the specified data and serializes this model to JSON.
GetJsonModelScript(QueryBuilderModel, ClientSideModelSettings) viewerModel, settings Serializes the specified client-side Web Query Builder model to JSON.
GetJsonModelScript(QueryBuilderModel) viewerModel Serializes the specified client-side Web Query Builder model to JSON.
GetJsonModelScript(String, SelectQuery, Int32) connectionName, tableQuery, commandTimeout Creates a client-side Web Query Builder model based on the specified data and serializes this model to JSON.
GetJsonModelScript(String, SelectQuery) connectionName, tableQuery Creates a client-side Web Query Builder model based on the specified data and serializes this model to JSON.
GetJsonModelScript(String, Int32) connectionName, commandTimeout Creates a client-side Web Query Builder model based on the specified data and serializes this model to JSON.
GetJsonModelScript(String) connectionName Creates a client-side Web Query Builder model based on the specified data and serializes this model to JSON.