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DocumentViewerViewerStyles Properties

Provides options that control the appearance of a ReportViewer.
Name Description
BookmarkSelectionBorder Specifies the selection border settings of a document bookmark.
CssFilePath Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the web control’s appearance. Inherited from StylesBase.
CssPostfix Gets or sets a CSS class name postfix that identifies style settings to be applied to the control. Inherited from StylesBase.
EnableDefaultAppearance Obsolete. Specifies whether to enable the control’s default appearance. Inherited from StylesBase.
Height Specifies the height of the report viewer within the Document Viewer.
Paddings Provides access to the padding settings of the DocumentViewerViewerStyles object.
ShowDocumentShadow Specifies whether or not to display the document shadow in the Document Viewer.
Theme Gets or sets the name of the Theme to be applied to a web control. Inherited from StylesBase.
Width Specifies the width of the report viewer within the Document Viewer.
See Also