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ReportGenerator.GenerateReport Method

Name Parameters Description
GenerateReport(BaseView, ReportGenerationOptions, Boolean) static view, options, useExpressionBindings Generates a new report using the specified grid view.
GenerateReport(BaseView, ReportGenerationOptions) static view, options Generates a new report using the specified grid view and generation options.
GenerateReport(BaseView) static view Generates a new report using the specified grid view.
GenerateReport(XtraReport, BaseView, ReportGenerationOptions, Boolean) static report, view, options, useExpressionBindings Generates a new report using the specified source report and grid view. Only the settings related to the document layout of the source report are preserved in the resulting report (such as XtraReport.Landscape and XtraReport.Margins).
GenerateReport(XtraReport, BaseView) static report, view Generates a new report using the specified source report and grid view. Only the settings related to the document layout of the source report are preserved in the resulting report (such as XtraReport.Landscape and XtraReport.Margins).