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PivotGridDesignOptions.ShowLoadXmlDataDesignerTab Property

Specifies whether to show the Load Data from XML tab in the Pivot Grid Designer.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraReports.Configuration

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraReports.v24.1.Extensions.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Reporting


public bool ShowLoadXmlDataDesignerTab { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

true, to show the Load Data from XML tab; otherwise, false.

Property Paths

You can access this nested property as listed below:

Object Type Path to ShowLoadXmlDataDesignerTab
.PivotGridOptions .ShowLoadXmlDataDesignerTab


By default, the ShowLoadXmlDataDesignerTab property is set to true and the Load Data from XML tab is available in the Pivot Grid Designer’s Layout page.


To hide this tab, disable this option in the following way:

using DevExpress.XtraReports.Configuration;
// ...

static void Main() {
    DesignSettings.Default.PivotGridOptions.ShowLoadXmlDataDesignerTab = false;
See Also