Reporting Demo Applications
The DevExpress .NET Products Installer installs demos for each product. DevExpress Reporting demos are in the Demo Center application.
Launch the Demo Center
There are three ways to run the DevExpress Demo Center:
- Click the “Demo Center 24.2“ shortcut in the Windows Start Menu.
- In Visual Studio, select “DEVEXPRESS | Run Demo Center 24.2“ in the Visual Studio DevExpress menu.
- Open the DevExpress product installation folder and run the Demo Center manually. The default path is “C:\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos 24.2\Components\Components\Bin\DevExpress.DemoCenter.v24.2.exe“.
Find the Source Code
Each demo ships with source code (in C# and VB.NET). Use one of the following approaches to review the demo code:
- In the Demo Center, right-click a demo and select “Open CS Solution”/“Open VB Solution“.
- Desktop platforms’ demo modules run in separate windows. Buttons at the top of these windows allow you to open a certain demo module as a Visual Studio solution.
- Open the demo solution manually. The default demo source directory is C:\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos 24.2\Components…. To access this folder, invoke the Windows Start Menu and click “All Programs“ | “DevExpress 24.2“ | “Demo Source Code“.