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ITotalSummaryCustomizer.LocateSummaryViewInPanel(View, Rectangle, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) Method

Locates the specified view within the Total Summary‘s bounds.

Namespace: DevExpress.Mobile.DataGrid.Theme

Assembly: DevExpress.Mobile.Grid.v18.2.dll


void LocateSummaryViewInPanel(
    View summaryView,
    Rectangle summaryBounds,
    bool isFirst,
    bool isLast,
    bool isLeftFixedColumnBorder,
    bool isRightFixedColumnBorder


Name Type Description
summaryView Xamarin.Forms.View

A Xamarin.Forms.View object, specifying the view to be located within the Total Summary.

summaryBounds Xamarin.Forms.Rectangle

A Xamarin.Forms.Rectangle object, specifying the Total Summary‘s bounds.

isFirst Boolean

true, if the specified view is the first view in the Total Summary; otherwise, false.

isLast Boolean

true, if the specified view is the last view in the Total Summary; otherwise, false.

isLeftFixedColumnBorder Boolean

true, if the specified view belongs to the last column fixed to the left; otherwise, false.

isRightFixedColumnBorder Boolean

true, if the specified view belongs to the first column fixed to the right; otherwise, false.



This documentation topic describes legacy technology. We no longer develop new functionality for the GridControl and suggest that you use the new DataGridView control instead.

See Also