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PickerColumn Fields
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A grid column allowing an end-user to edit a cell value by selecting an item from the predefined set.
Name Description
ActualWidthProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.ActualWidth bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
AllowAutoFilterProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.AllowAutoFilter bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
AllowGroupProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.AllowGroup bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
AllowSortProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.AllowSort bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
AutoFilterConditionProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.AutoFilterCondition bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
AutoFilterValueProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.AutoFilterValue bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
CaptionProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.Caption bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ColumnFilterModeProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.ColumnFilterMode bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ContentAlignmentProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.ContentAlignment bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
DisplayFormatProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.DisplayFormat bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
DisplayMemberProperty static Identifies the PickerColumn.DisplayMember bindable property.
FieldNameProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.FieldName bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
FixedStyleProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.FixedStyle bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
GroupIntervalProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.GroupInterval bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
HeaderTemplateProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.HeaderTemplate bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ImmediateUpdateAutoFilterProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.ImmediateUpdateAutoFilter bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
IsGroupedProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.IsGrouped bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
IsReadOnlyProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.IsReadOnly bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
IsVisibleProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.IsVisible bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the PickerColumn.ItemsSource bindable property.
MinWidthProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.MinWidth bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
SortIndexProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.SortIndex bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
SortModeProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.SortMode bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
SortOrderProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.SortOrder bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
UnboundExpressionProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.UnboundExpression bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
UnboundTypeProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.UnboundType bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
ValueMemberProperty static Identifies the PickerColumn.ValueMember bindable property.
WidthProperty static Identifies the GridColumn.Width bindable property. Inherited from GridColumn.
See Also