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SchedulerHitInfo.FindHitInfo(SchedulerHitTest) Method

Searches the hit information for the specified type(s) of the element.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Drawing

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v20.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Scheduler


public virtual SchedulerHitInfo FindHitInfo(
    SchedulerHitTest types


Name Type Description
types SchedulerHitTest

A SchedulerHitTest enumeration value.


Type Description

A SchedulerHitInfo object.


The method looks through the SchedulerHitInfo objects located under the cursor from the topmost element to the bottom. When the type of the element equals the type specified as a parameter, the search returns the hit information for that element. If the method fails to find the required type, it returns the empty SchedulerHitInfo object.

You can combine SchedulerHitTest values to search for any of several element types.. To accomplish this, use OR logical operator to join SchedulerHitTest values in expressions.

See Also