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Scheduler Elements and Structure

  • 3 minutes to read

The Scheduler suite provides a full set of multi-purpose elements that deliver the MS Outlook style to your scheduling application. The topics in this section describe the main functionality of these elements (necessary to implement scheduling), and how they can be used together.

Three primary Scheduler elements are:

  • SchedulerControl Control

    This topic describes the Scheduler Control, which is used to implement the main user interface functionality in the scheduling application. This control represents the scheduled appointments data on a form by using one of the predefined views, and responds to various end-user actions.

  • SchedulerDataStorage Component

    This topic describes the Scheduler Storage, which is intended for persisting data in the scheduling application. This control provides data either in bound or unbound mode for the Scheduler Control, and also implements data synchronization with a database or any other scheduling application (for example, MS Outlook).

  • Date Navigator

    This topic describes the Date Navigator, which is used to navigate through the appointments data within the Scheduler Control. The Date Navigator is essential in most scheduling applications, allowing end-users to easily and quickly navigate through dates (schedule data is displayed) and change the scheduler’s view, if necessary.

For the complete list of Scheduler-related objects, see the following table.

Class Description
Appointment An interface that defines an appointment in the Scheduler.
AppointmentDependency A dependency established between tasks (Appointment objects) in the Gantt view.
AppointmentDependencyDataStorage A storage which holds a collection of appointment dependencies.
AppointmentLabel Represents an appointment’s identification label.
AppointmentStatus Appointment’s availability status.
AppointmentDataStorage A storage that holds a collection of appointments.
DateNavigator The calendar control for navigating dates. Can be associated with a SchedulerControl to retrieve various information (e.g., appointment dates).
DayView Displays a detailed picture of events across one or more days.
GanttView A view that shows tasks, the relationship among the tasks and task progress in relation to time.
MonthView Displays events across multiple weeks.
Reminder Represents a reminder for a non-recurring appointment.
Resource Defines a common attribute which can be assigned to appointments to group them.
ResourceNavigator Represents the Resource Navigator control.
ResourceDataStorage A storage that holds appointment resources.
ResourcesTree The control used to display hierarchically ordered resources for the SchedulerControl.
SchedulerControl Displays scheduled data using one of the available views and provides the capability to edit, save and load appointments. See Scheduler.
SchedulerDataStorage The component that holds data for the SchedulerControl.
TimelineView Arranges events and appointments across horizontal timelines.
TimeRegion An area with unique user restrictions. Limits the appointments that can be placed inside this time interval and/or users that can add these appointments.
TimeRuler A time ruler.

Displays events across a week in a compact form.

This view is outdated and provided for compatibility with the earlier versions of the Scheduler Control. Use the FullWeekView instead.

WorkWeekView Displays appointments for the working days in a particular week.
XtraSchedulerReport Represents the base class for a report in the XtraScheduler Suite.