Online Report Gallery
- 2 minutes to read
This topic introduces the online DevExpress Template Gallery for creating Scheduler reports at design time within Visual Studio. The Template Gallery can save you time, because you are no longer required to design a report layout from scratch.
You can create a new report from a gallery of templates provided by DevExpress on the Template Gallery web page. This online gallery enables you to download a report as a file in .shrepx format, which can be loaded to the Report Designer.
Another option is to connect to the template gallery at design time within Visual Studio. To do so, click the report’s smart tag and select Load Report Template…, as illustrated in the following image.
After the template gallery is retrieved from the Web, in the invoked Report Templates dialog, select the one that meets your requirements (you can also search for a specific name) and click Load.
The selected report is loaded into the Visual Studio Designer.
Since the loaded report layout does not contain data, you should bind the report to the Scheduler control using the XtraSchedulerReport.SchedulerAdapter property. Refer to the How to: Print a Scheduler Using a Report Preview (Step-by-Step Guide) topic for additional information.