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Work Time and Workday Configuration

  • 4 minutes to read

This document explains how to exclude non-working days and time from the date-time X-axis scale.

Exclude Non-Working Days

Use Workdays Options to exclude non-working days or add strict workdays.

Axis.DateTimeScaleOptions.WorkdaysOnly = false Axis.DateTimeScaleOptions.WorkdaysOnly = true
WorkdaysOnly_false WorkdaysOnly_true

The following code demonstrates how to configure workdays options.

XYDiagram chartDiagram = (XYDiagram)financialChart.Diagram;
DateTimeScaleOptions xAxisScaleOptions = chartDiagram.AxisX.DateTimeScaleOptions;

// This property turns on weekends and holidays exclusion.
xAxisScaleOptions.WorkdaysOnly = true;

WorkdaysOptions workdayOptions = xAxisScaleOptions.WorkdaysOptions;
// Specify which days of the week are treated as workdays.
workdayOptions.Workdays = Weekday.Monday | Weekday.Tuesday | Weekday.Wednesday | Weekday.Thursday | Weekday.Friday;
// Specify holiday dates.
workdayOptions.Holidays.Add(new KnownDate("Christmas Eve", new DateTime(2017, 12, 24)));
// Specify strict workdays dates.
workdayOptions.ExactWorkdays.Add(new KnownDate("Custom Exact Workday", new DateTime(2017, 7, 24)));

The below members and classes are used in the code above.

Class or Member Description
DateTimeScaleOptions.WorkdaysOnly Specifies whether holidays and non-working days should be excluded from the axis scale.
DateTimeScaleOptions.WorkdaysOptions Specifies information about non-working days.
WorkdaysOptions.Workdays Specifies which days of the week are workdays.
WorkdaysOptions.Holidays Specifies holiday dates for excluding them from the date-time scale.
WorkdaysOptions.ExactWorkdays Specifies strict workday dates for including them to the date-time scale.
KnownDate A particular named date.

Note that holidays can be imported from the DevExpress Scheduler (.xml) or Microsoft Office Outlook® (.hol) file, using the Load Holidays Workdays_2 button, at design time, or using the WorkdaysOptions.LoadHolidays method at runtime.


Exclude Non-Working Time

Work Time Rules allows you to specify time intervals which should be displayed on the axis. The following table demonstrates this feature in action.

Axis.DateTimeScaleOptions.WorkTimeOnly = false Axis.DateTimeScaleOptions.WorkTimeOnly = true
WorkTimeOnly_false WorkTimeOnly_true

The following code demonstrates how to configure work time rules.

XYDiagram chartDiagram = (XYDiagram)financialChart.Diagram;
DateTimeScaleOptions xAxisScaleOptions = chartDiagram.AxisX.DateTimeScaleOptions;

// This property turns on axis values filtering by rules.
xAxisScaleOptions.WorkTimeOnly = true;

// Create a new instance of the worktime rule which will be used to specify
// the worktime displayed on the X-axis.
WorkTimeRule weekdayRule = new WorkTimeRule();
// Specify one or more work intervals of this rule.
weekdayRule.WorkIntervals.Add(new TimeInterval(09, 00, 00, 19, 00, 00));
// Add weekdays on which this rule should be applied.
weekdayRule.Weekdays = Weekday.Monday | Weekday.Tuesday | Weekday.Wednesday 
        | Weekday.Thursday | Weekday.Friday;

WorkTimeRule dateRule = new WorkTimeRule();
dateRule.WorkIntervals.Add(new TimeInterval(12, 00, 00, 16, 00, 00));
// Besides Weekdays, you can specify the Date 
// on which this rule should be applied.
dateRule.Date = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1);


Note that for weekdays, whose work time rules are not specified (e.g. Saturday and Sunday in the code above), the whole day (00:00 AM - 12:00 PM) is taken as work time.

To exclude whole days, use Workdays properties.

The code below uses the following classes and methods.

Class or Member Description
DateTimeScaleOptions.WorkTimeOnly Specifies the value indicating whether to show only the working time on a date-time axis.
DateTimeScaleOptions.WorkTimeRules Specifies a collection of work time rules which should be applied to the date-time axis scale.
WorkTimeRule A work time rule.
WorkTimeRule.WorkIntervals Specifies working intervals within a day.
TimeInterval A time interval.
WorkTimeRule.Weekdays Specifies weekdays on which the rule should be applied.
WorkTimeRule.Date Specifies the date on which the rule should be applied.
See Also