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Documents are content wrappers that feature different appearance and behavior depending on their parent View.

Parent Classes

Each View manages Documents of different classes, which all derive from the base BaseDocument class.

Content Types

Documents can wrap the following content:

Add and Populate Documents

There are several ways to add a Document to a View.


  • The Document Manager identifies its child documents by the names of controls hosted within these documents. Thus, it is recommended that you set unique names for these controls. Failure to comply with this recommendation results in an exception for certain scenarios (e.g., saving and restoring a View layout).
  • Do not modify the BaseView.Documents collection to add and\or remove Documents to\from this collection. Instead, use approaches described in this article: call the View’s or the related Controller’s methods.

Pre-Customize Documents

Most Document Manager Views provide the DocumentSettings class that allows you to customize the document before it is created and shown. To do so, use the static Attach method to attach an instance of the DocumentSettings class to document content. The code snippet below illustrates an example.

Form floatForm = new Form();
DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.Views.Tabbed.DocumentSettings.Attach(floatForm, new DocumentSettings() {
    Caption = "Float Tab",
    FloatLocation = new System.Drawing.Point(100, 100),
    FloatSize = new System.Drawing.Size(600, 400)

This code will result in adding a document that has a ready-set caption, float location and size.

Example: Adding Documents at Runtime

This example shows how a control can be added to the DocumentManager as a document. The application creates a new RichEditControl and docks it as a tab to DocumentManager each time the ‘Add Tabbed Document’ button is clicked. A click on the ‘Add Float Document’ button results in adding a floating document that contains a new RichEditControl object. For every RichEditControl a Document object is created. The figure below shows the result:

Document Manager - Content Generator Example

A click on the ‘Remove All’ button closes all documents within the view.

The DocumentManager uses the Tabbed View UI.

View Example

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraBars;
using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.Views.Tabbed;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.Views.NativeMdi;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.Views;

namespace DcoumentManagerContentGenerator {
    public partial class Form1 : Form {
        int index = 1;
        public Form1() {
            documentManager2.View.DocumentProperties.UseFormIconAsDocumentImage = false;
            documentManager2.View.UseDocumentSelector = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True;
            tabbedView1.FloatingDocumentContainer = FloatingDocumentContainer.DocumentsHost;
        void AddNewTextDoc(string s, bool tabbed) {
            RichEditControl newTB = new RichEditControl();
            newTB.Size = new Size(400, 170);
            newTB.BorderStyle = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.BorderStyles.NoBorder;
            newTB.ActiveViewType = DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.RichEditViewType.PrintLayout;
            newTB.Views.PrintLayoutView.ZoomFactor = 0.7f;
            newTB.Name = s + index.ToString();
            newTB.Text = s + " " + index.ToString();
            if (tabbed == true) {
            else documentManager2.View.AddFloatDocument(newTB);

        private void addTabbedDoc(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) {
            AddNewTextDoc("Document", true);

        private void addFloatDoc(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) {
            AddNewTextDoc("Document", false);

        private void closeAllDocs(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) {
            index = 1;