SchedulerControl.EditAppointmentDialogShowing Event
Occurs before invoking the Edit Appointment dialog.
Namespace: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Scheduler
Assembly: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Scheduler.v21.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Uwp.Controls
public event EventHandler<EditAppointmentDialogShowingEventArgs> EditAppointmentDialogShowing
#Event Data
The EditAppointmentDialogShowing event's data class is DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Scheduler.EditAppointmentDialogShowingEventArgs.
The EditAppointmentDialogShowing is a deferred event. You can process the event in a synchronous mode pausing the SchedulerControl.
To pause the SchedulerControl, use the event’s GetDeferral method. It returns an EventDeferral object. To resume the SchedulerControl’s processing, call the EventDeferral.Complete method.
If you don’t call the Event
The EditAppointmentDialogShowing event allows you to create a custom edit form. Use the event’s EditAppointmentDialogShowingEventArgs.ViewModel property to obtain the appointment data (the ViewModel.EditedItem property) and default dialog settings.
If the EditAppointmentDialogShowingEventArgs.Cancel property is set to true, the changes applied to the EditedItem property depend on the event’s EditAppointmentDialogShowingEventArgs.CancelResult property.
Cancel | Description |
Apply | Changes are applied to the selected appointment |
Apply | Changes are applied to the selected recurrence’s pattern appointment |
Cancel (default) | Changes are ignored |
Delete | The selected appointment is deleted |
Delete | The selected recurrence’s pattern and all recurrences of this pattern are deleted |
If the Edited