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SchedulerControl Members

The main control of the Scheduler suite which displays and manages calendar events (appointments).


Name Description
SchedulerControl() Initializes a new instance of the SchedulerControl class.


Name Description
ActiveViewIndexProperty static Identifies the ActiveViewIndex dependency property.
ActiveViewProperty static Identifies the ActiveView dependency property.
ActualDefaultCalendarStyleSettingsProperty static
ActualEditAppointmentDialogSettingsProperty static
ActualGroupTypeProperty static
ActualHeaderSettingsProperty static
AllowRemindersProperty static Identifies the AllowReminders dependency property.
AppointmentMenuProperty static
AppointmentsDisplayModeProperty static
AppointmentsFlyoutStyleProperty static
DefaultCalendarStyleSettingsProperty static
DefaultCalendarStyleSettingsTemplateProperty static
EditAppointmentDialogSettingsProperty static
EditAppointmentDialogSettingsTemplateProperty static
FirstDayOfWeekProperty static Identifies the FirstDayOfWeek dependency property.
GroupTypeProperty static Identifies the GroupType dependency property.
HeaderSettingsProperty static
HeaderSettingsTemplateProperty static
LimitIntervalProperty static Identifies the LimitInterval dependency property.
MonthCellFlyoutStyleProperty static
RemindersCheckIntervalProperty static
SchedulerMenuProperty static
SelectedIntervalProperty static
StartProperty static Identifies the Start dependency property.
TimeZoneProperty static Identifies the TimeZone dependency property.
ViewsSourceProperty static
VisibleIntervalsProperty static Identifies the VisibleIntervals dependency property.
WorkDaysProperty static Identifies the WorkDays dependency property.
WorkTimeProperty static Identifies the WorkTime dependency property.


Name Description
ActiveView Returns the view currently used by the SchedulerControl to show its data.
ActiveViewIndex Gets or sets the index of the view currently used by the SchedulerControl to show its data. This is a dependency property.
AllowReminders Gets or sets whether appointment reminders are allowed. This is a dependency property.
Calendars Provides access to the collection of calendars that display appointments.
FirstDayOfWeek Specifies the day which the SchedulerControl’s week starts. This is a dependency property.
GroupType Specifies the type of grouping applied to the Scheduler. This is a dependency property.
LimitInterval Gets or sets the time interval available for end-users. This is a dependency property.
SelectedAppointments Provides access to the selected appointments.
Start Gets or sets the SchedulerControl start date. This is a dependency property.
TimeZone Gets or sets the time zone for the Scheduler. This is a dependency property.
Views Provides access to the collection of the SchedulerControl’s views.
VisibleIntervals Provides access to the currently visible time cell intervals. This is a dependency property.
WorkDays Gets or sets days that form a work week. This is a dependency property.
WorkTime Gets or sets the work time interval. This is a dependency property.

Show Inherited Hide Inherited

Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetAppointmentsAsync(DateTimeOffset, DateTimeOffset) Retrieves the collection of appointments that fall within the specified time interval.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ShowNewAppointmentDialogAsync(DateTimeOffset, DateTimeOffset, IEnumerable<ResourceItem>)
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


Name Description
AppointmentAdded Occurs after the user has added an appointment to the Scheduler.
AppointmentAdding Occurs when the user adds an appointment to the Scheduler.
AppointmentDragEnter Occurs when the user drags back appointments that have been dragged out of the Scheduler or have been deserialized in the DeserializeAppointments event.
AppointmentDragLeave Occurs when the user drags appointments out of the Scheduler’s bounds.
AppointmentDragOver Raised repeatedly while the user drags appointments in the Scheduler control.
AppointmentDragStarting Occurs when the user starts dragging the selected appointment(s).
AppointmentDrop Occurs when the user drops appointments within a Scheduler’s view.
AppointmentDropCompleted Occurs after completing a drag and drop operation.
AppointmentRemoved Occurs after the user has removed an appointment.
AppointmentRemoving Occurs when the user removes an appointment.
AppointmentUpdated Occurs after the user has modified an appointment.
AppointmentUpdating Occurs when the user modifies an appointment.
DeserializeAppointments Occurs when the user drags appointments from an external source.
EditAppointmentDialogShowing Occurs before invoking the Edit Appointment dialog.
RemoveAppointmentDialogShowing Occurs before invoking the Confirm Delete dialog.
SerializeAppointments Allows you to serialize appointment that are being dragged by the user.
VisibleIntervalsChanged Occurs when changing the visible time cells interval.
See Also