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HamburgerMenuNavigationButton Properties
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Represents a button with an icon in the Main Menu of the HamburgerMenu that navigates to the specified page with a click.
Name Description
ClearNavigationHistory Gets or sets whether clicking/tapping the button clears the menu’s navigation history. Inherited from HamburgerMenuNavigationIconButton.
ContextMenu Gets or sets the context menu that is invoked when the end-user right-clicks the navigation button. This is a dependency property.
HideMenuWhenSelected Gets or sets whether the HamburgerMenu is automatically hidden when the current item is selected.
Icon Gets or sets the icon displayed by the button. This is a dependency property. Inherited from HamburgerMenuIconButton.
IconFill Specifies the icon color. This is a dependency property. Inherited from HamburgerMenuIconButton.
IconHeight Gets or sets the icon’s height. This is a dependency property. Inherited from HamburgerMenuIconButton.
IconSizeUnit Specifies whether the icon size is set in pixels or points. This is a dependency property. Inherited from HamburgerMenuIconButton.
IconSource Gets or sets the source of the icon. This is a dependency property Inherited from HamburgerMenuIconButton.
IconStretch Gets or sets the stretch mode for the icon. This is a dependency property. Inherited from HamburgerMenuIconButton.
IconTemplate Specifies the icon template. This is a dependency property. Inherited from HamburgerMenuIconButton.
IconWidth Gets or sets the icon’s width. This is a dependency property. Inherited from HamburgerMenuIconButton.
NavigationTargetParameter Gets or sets the parameter to be passed to the target page, invoked when tapping/clicking the menu item. Inherited from HamburgerMenuNavigationIconButton.
NavigationTargetType Allows you to specify the Page class to be opened when an end-user taps/clicks the menu item. Inherited from HamburgerMenuNavigationIconButton.
NavigationTargetTypeName Allows you to specify the name of the Page class to be opened when an end-user taps/clicks the menu item. Inherited from HamburgerMenuNavigationIconButton.
Placement Gets or sets whether the button is positioned at the top or bottom of the HamburgerMenu.
RightContent Gets or sets the additional button content displayed to the right of the main content.
RightContentMargin Gets or sets the outer margin of the additional content displayed to the right of the main content.
RightContentTemplate Gets or sets the data template used to render the additional content displayed to the right of the main content.
SelectOnClick Gets or sets whether the current button is selected with a click.
SyncWithActivePage Gets or sets whether the current button is automatically selected if the button’s target page has been navigated.
UseNavigationTargetParameterForSync Gets or sets whether to use current button’s navigation parameters to synchronize the button selection in the menu with the navigated page.
See Also