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HamburgerMenu Members

Represents a collapsible navigation menu that displays a stack of navigation buttons. Supports regular buttons, sub-menus, hyperlinks, check and radio buttons.


Name Description
HamburgerMenu() Initializes a new instance of the HamburgerMenu class with the default settings.


Name Description
AllowCustomizingWindowTitleProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.AllowCustomizingWindowTitle dependency property.
AvailableViewStatesProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.AvailableViewStates dependency property.
BottomBarItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.BottomBarItemsSource dependency property.
BottomBarItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.BottomBarItemTemplate dependency property.
BottomBarItemTemplateSelectorProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.BottomBarItemTemplateSelector dependency property.
CompactOverlayStateFrameThresholdProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.CompactOverlayStateFrameThreshold dependency property.
CompactWidthProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.CompactWidth dependency property.
HeaderHeightProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.HeaderHeight dependency property.
HeaderPaddingProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.HeaderPadding dependency property.
HeaderProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.Header dependency property.
HeaderTemplateProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.HeaderTemplate dependency property.
HeaderTemplateSelectorProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.HeaderTemplateSelector dependency property.
HideMenuOnUnselectedPage Obsolete. Gets or sets whether the menu is automatically hidden when the navigated page is not represented in the menu by a navigation button.
HideMenuWhenActivePageItemNotFoundProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.HideMenuWhenActivePageItemNotFound dependency property.
IsInitiallyCompactProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.IsInitiallyCompact dependency property.
IsMenuVisibleProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.IsMenuVisible dependency property.
IsMobileStatusBarVisibleProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.IsMobileStatusBarVisible dependency property.
ItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.ItemsSource dependency property.
ItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.ItemTemplate dependency property.
ItemTemplateSelectorProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.ItemTemplateSelector dependency property.
MinimizedFlyoutStateFrameThresholdProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.MinimizedFlyoutStateFrameThreshold dependency property.
MobileStatusBarBackgroundProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.MobileStatusBarBackground dependency property.
MobileStatusBarForegroundProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.MobileStatusBarForeground dependency property.
SelectedItemProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.SelectedItem dependency property.
ShowMenuOnEmptySpaceBarClickProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.ShowMenuOnEmptySpaceBarClick dependency property.
SyncWithActivePageProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.SyncWithActivePage dependency property.
WindowTitleProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.WindowTitle dependency property.
WindowTitleSettingsProperty static Identifies the HamburgerMenu.WindowTitleSettings dependency property.


Name Description
AllowCustomizingWindowTitle Gets or sets whether it is allowed to customize the window title.
AvailableViewStates Gets or sets whether the menu can be displayed in the Flyout, Overlay and/or Inline state.
BottomBarItems Provides access to a collection of objects that represent Bottom Bar items.
BottomBarItemsSource Gets or sets an object that represents a source of items for the menu’s bottom bar.
BottomBarItemTemplate Gets or sets the data template used to render each item in the menu’s bottom bar from the data source.
BottomBarItemTemplateSelector Gets or sets a custom data template selection logic for items in the menu’s bottom bar.
CompactOverlayStateFrameThreshold Gets or sets the window width, in pixels, at which the menu is automatically displayed in the Overlay state. This property supports the adaptive layout.
CompactWidth Gets or sets the menu pane width, in pixels, in its compact display mode.
Header Gets or sets the menu header displayed next to the hamburger button.
HeaderHeight Gets or sets the height of the menu header.
HeaderPadding Gets or sets the outer margin of the menu header.
HeaderTemplate Gets or sets the data template used to render the menu header.
HeaderTemplateSelector Gets or sets a custom data template selection logic to render the menu header.
HideMenuWhenActivePageItemNotFound Gets or sets whether the menu is automatically hidden when the navigated page is not represented in the Main Menu by a navigation button.
IsInitiallyCompact Gets or sets whether the menu is initially displayed in the compact mode.
IsMenuVisible Gets or sets whether the menu is visible.
IsMobileStatusBarVisible Gets or sets whether the status bar for the window (app view) is shown.
Items Provides access to a collection of objects that represent Main Menu items.
ItemsSource Gets or sets an object that represents a source of items for the menu.
ItemTemplate Gets or sets the data template used to render each item from the data source.
ItemTemplateSelector Gets or sets a custom data template selection logic.
MinimizedFlyoutStateFrameThreshold Gets or sets the window width, in pixels, at which the menu is automatically displayed in the Flyout state. This property supports the adaptive layout.
MobileStatusBarBackground Gets or sets the background color of the status bar. The alpha channel of the color is not used.
MobileStatusBarForeground Gets or sets the foreground color of the status bar. The alpha channel of the color is not used.
SelectedItem Gets or sets the menu button which is currently selected.
ShowMenuOnEmptySpaceBarClick Gets or sets whether the menu displayed in the compact mode can be expanded with a click on an empty space.
SyncWithActivePage Gets or sets whether the button selection in the menu is automatically synchronized with the navigated page.
WindowTitle Gets or sets the window title.
WindowTitleSettings Gets or sets the window title settings, such as the background and foreground colors.

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Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


Name Description
ContextMenuClosed Occurs after the context menu has been closed.
ContextMenuOpened Occurs after the context menu has been opened.
ContextMenuOpening Occurs before the context menu is opened.
See Also