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RangeControl Members

Represents a Range Control.


Name Description
RangeControl() Initializes a new instance of the RangeControl class.


Name Description
AllowImmediateRangeUpdateProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.AllowImmediateRangeUpdate dependency property.
AllowScrollProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.AllowScroll dependency property.
AllowSnapToIntervalProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.AllowSnapToInterval dependency property.
AllowZoomProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.AllowZoom dependency property.
ClientProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.Client dependency property.
ContentProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.Content dependency property.
EnableAnimationProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.EnableAnimation dependency property.
OutOfRangeAreaBrushProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.OutOfRangeAreaBrush dependency property.
OutOfRangeAreaColorProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.OutOfRangeAreaColor dependency property.
OutOfRangeAreaOpacityProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.OutOfRangeAreaOpacity dependency property.
RangeEndProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.RangeEnd dependency property.
RangeStartProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.RangeStart dependency property.
RangeThumbsBrushProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.RangeThumbsBrush dependency property.
RangeThumbsColorProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.RangeThumbsColor dependency property.
RangeThumbsHighlightBrushProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.RangeThumbsHighlightBrush dependency property.
RangeThumbsHighlightColorProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.RangeThumbsHighlightColor dependency property.
SelectionRangeEndProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.SelectionRangeEnd dependency property.
SelectionRangeStartProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.SelectionRangeStart dependency property.
SelectionThumbStyleProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.SelectionThumbStyle dependency property.
ShowRangeBarProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.ShowRangeBar dependency property.
ShowRangeThumbsProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.ShowRangeThumbs dependency property.
ShowSelectionRectangleProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.ShowSelectionRectangle dependency property.
UpdateDelayProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.UpdateDelay dependency property.
VisibleRangeEndProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.VisibleRangeEnd dependency property.
VisibleRangeStartProperty static Identifies the RangeControl.VisibleRangeStart dependency property.


Name Description
AllowImmediateRangeUpdate Gets or sets whether changes to the selected or visible area via the user interface are being posted immediately or after the interaction is completed. This is a dependency property.
AllowScroll Gets or sets whether to allow horizontal scrolling. This is a dependency property.
AllowSnapToInterval Gets or sets whether to snap the selection thumbs to the bounds of the range items. This is a dependency property.
AllowZoom Gets or sets whether to allow zooming. This is a dependency property.
Client Gets or sets the object that visualizes the data within the RangeControl’s viewport. This is a dependency property.
Content Gets or sets the range control’s content. This is a dependency property.
EnableAnimation Gets or sets whether to enable animation. This is a dependency property.
OutOfRangeAreaBrush Gets or sets the brush used to paint the viewport area out of the selected range. This is a dependency property.
OutOfRangeAreaColor Gets or sets the color value of the viewport area out of the selected range. This is a dependency property.
OutOfRangeAreaOpacity Gets or sets the opacity of the viewport area out of the selected range. This is a dependency property.
RangeEnd Gets or sets the end bound of a range.
RangeStart Gets or sets the start bound of a range.
RangeThumbsBrush Gets or sets the brush used to paint the selection thumbs. This is a dependency property.
RangeThumbsColor Gets or sets the color value of the selection thumbs. This is a dependency property.
RangeThumbsHighlightBrush Gets or sets the brush used to paint the selection thumbs when panning a selected range. This is a dependency property.
RangeThumbsHighlightColor Gets or sets the color value of the selection thumbs when panning a selected range. This is a dependency property.
SelectionRangeEnd Gets or sets the end bound of the selected range.
SelectionRangeStart Gets or sets the start bound of the selected range.
SelectionThumbStyle Gets or sets the style applied to selection thumbs. This is a dependency property.
ShowRangeBar Gets or sets whether to show the Zoom And Scroll Bar. This is a dependency property.
ShowRangeThumbs Gets or sets whether to show the selection thumbs within the viewport. This is a dependency property.
ShowSelectionRectangle Gets or sets whether to show the selection rectangle. This is a dependency property.
UpdateDelay Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) that occurs before passing the changes made in a Range Control to its associated client. This is a dependency property.
VisibleRangeEnd Gets or sets the end bound of the visible range.
VisibleRangeStart Gets or sets the start bound of the visible range.

Show Inherited Hide Inherited

Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also