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StepAreaSeriesView Members

Represents a series view of the Step Area type.


Name Description
StepAreaSeriesView() Initializes a new instance of the StepAreaSeriesView class with default settings.

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Name Description
AngleProperty static Identifies the MarkerSeriesView.Angle dependency property. Inherited from MarkerSeriesView.
AntialiasingProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.Antialiasing dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
BrushProperty static Identifies the CartesianSeriesView.Brush dependency property. Inherited from CartesianSeriesView.
ColorEachProperty static Identifies the CartesianSeriesView.ColorEach dependency property. Inherited from CartesianSeriesView.
ContourAppearanceProperty static Identifies the AreaSeriesView.ContourAppearance dependency property. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.
DataChangingAnimationModeProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.DataChangingAnimationMode dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
InvertedStepProperty static Identifies the StepAreaSeriesView.InvertedStep dependency property.
LabelOptionsProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.LabelOptions dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
LegendMarkerTemplateProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.LegendMarkerTemplate dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
LegendPatternProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.LegendPattern dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
LegendPointPatternProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.LegendPointPattern dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
MarkerSizeProperty static Identifies the AreaSeriesView.MarkerSize dependency property. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.
PaletteProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.Palette dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
PointAnimationProperty static Identifies the MarkerSeriesView.PointAnimation dependency property. Inherited from MarkerSeriesView.
RangeControlViewTypeProperty static Identifies the AreaSeriesView.RangeControlViewType dependency property. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.
SelectedItemBrushProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.SelectedItemBrush dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
SelectedItemProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.SelectedItem dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
SelectedItemsProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.SelectedItems dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
SeriesAnimationProperty static Identifies the AreaSeriesView.SeriesAnimation dependency property. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.
ShowContourProperty static Identifies the AreaSeriesView.ShowContour dependency property. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.
ShowLabelsProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.ShowLabels dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
ShowMarkersProperty static Identifies the AreaSeriesView.ShowMarkers dependency property. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.
ShowToolTipOnSelectItemProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.ShowToolTipOnSelectItem dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
ToolTipPointPatternProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.ToolTipPointPattern dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
ToolTipPointTemplateProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.ToolTipPointTemplate dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
ToolTipSeriesPatternProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.ToolTipSeriesPattern dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
ToolTipSeriesTemplateProperty static Identifies the SeriesView.ToolTipSeriesTemplate dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
TransparencyProperty static Identifies the AreaSeriesView.Transparency dependency property. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.

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Name Description
ActualContourAppearance Gets the actual contour appearance. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.
ActualLabelOptions Gets the actual label options. Inherited from SeriesView.
ActualPalette Gets the actual palette of a series view. Inherited from SeriesView.
AnimateCommand Returns a command that starts animation of a series’ contents. Inherited from SeriesView.
Antialiasing Gets or sets whether anti-aliasing (smoothing) is applied to this series view. Inherited from SeriesView.
Brush Gets or sets the color of the series view. This is a dependency property. Inherited from CartesianSeriesView.
ColorEach Gets or sets a value that specifies whether each data point of a series is shown in a different color. Inherited from CartesianSeriesView.
ContourAppearance Gets or sets the appearance of an area contour. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.
DataChangingAnimationMode Specifies how chart data should be animated on data changes. Inherited from SeriesView.
InvertedStep Gets or sets a value that specifies the manner in which a step area connects data point markers.
LabelOptions Provides access to the settings of series labels. Inherited from SeriesView.
LegendItems Gets a list of legend items for this series. Inherited from SeriesView.
LegendMarkerTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of a legend marker for this series. Inherited from SeriesView.
LegendPattern Gets or sets a string which represents the pattern specifying the text to be displayed within legend items. Inherited from SeriesView.
LegendPointPattern Gets or sets a string which represents the pattern specifying the text to be displayed within legend items. Inherited from SeriesView.
MarkerSize Gets or sets the size of data point markers. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.
Palette Gets or sets a palette used to color series points. Inherited from SeriesView.
PointAnimation Specifies the animation for data points of series with markers. Inherited from MarkerSeriesView.
RangeControlViewType Gets or sets a value that specifies which view type should be used to represent the current series in a Range Control. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.
SelectedItem Gets or sets the currently selected item in the series. Inherited from SeriesView.
SelectedItemBrush Gets or sets the color of the selected series point. Inherited from SeriesView.
SelectedItems Gets or sets the collection of selected items of the SeriesView object. Inherited from SeriesView.
SeriesAnimation Specifies the series animation. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.
ShowContour Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not it is necessary to show the contour for this series. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.
ShowLabels Gets or sets a value indicating whether labels should be visible for this series. Inherited from SeriesView.
ShowMarkers Gets or sets a value indicating whether series point markers are visible. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.
ShowToolTipOnSelectItem Gets or sets a value specifying whether or not to show a tooltip every time a series (or a series point) is selected. Inherited from SeriesView.
ToolTipPointPattern Gets or sets a string which represents the pattern specifying the text to be displayed within a tooltip that appears for a series point. Inherited from SeriesView.
ToolTipPointTemplate Specifies the tooltip template for this series. This is a dependency property. Inherited from SeriesView.
ToolTipSeriesPattern Gets or sets a string which represents the pattern specifying the text to be displayed within the tooltip that appears for a series. Inherited from SeriesView.
ToolTipSeriesTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of the tooltip for this series. Inherited from SeriesView.
Transparency Specifies the transparency (0-1) to use for displaying the filled color area series. Inherited from AreaSeriesView.

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Name Description
Animate(Double) Starts animating the series view after the specified delay. Inherited from SeriesView.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetAngle(SeriesLabelOptions) static Gets the value of the MarkerSeriesView.Angle attached property for specified SeriesLabelOptions. Inherited from MarkerSeriesView.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
SetAngle(SeriesLabelOptions, Double) static Sets the value of the MarkerSeriesView.Angle attached property to the specified SeriesLabelOptions object. Inherited from MarkerSeriesView.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.

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Name Description
PropertyChanged Occurs every time any of the ChartElement class properties has changed its value. Inherited from ChartElement.
See Also