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ActualScaleType Enum

Contains the values used to identify the actual scale type for the argument and value data of data points.

Namespace: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Charts.v21.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Uwp.Controls


public enum ActualScaleType


Name Description

Identifies the Numerical data scale. This means that data provided for the DataPointCollection.Points will be treated as numerical values, and will be shown on the axis as numbers (e.g., 100, 200, and 300).


Identifies the DateTime data scale. This means that data provided for the DataPointCollection.Points will be treated as DateTime values, and will be shown on the axis as DateTime values (e.g., January, 2003, January, 2004, and January, 2005).


Identifies the Qualitative data scale. This means that data provided for the DataPointCollection.Points will be treated as qualitative values, and will be shown on the axis as textual representations (e.g., A, B, and C).

#Related API Members

The following properties accept/return ActualScaleType values:


The values listed by the ActualScaleType enumerator are used to set the DataPointCollection.ActualArgumentScaleType and DataPointCollection.ActualValueScaleType properties.

See Also