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WholeAxisRange Class

Defines the minimum and possible values that can be displayed on an axis.

Namespace: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Charts.v21.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Uwp.Controls


public class WholeAxisRange :

The following members return WholeAxisRange objects:


An instance of the WholeAxisRange class can be obtained via the AxisBase.WholeRange property, which defines the whole available range of axis values. The AxisBase.VisualRange property defines which part of the AxisBase.WholeRange should be currently visible on a chart.

So, if the VisualRange is equal to the WholeRange, no scrolling and zooming is applied to chart data. And, if the VisualRange is less than the WholeRange, chart data is zoomed in and scrolled.


See Also