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PagedSourceBase Properties

Serves as a base class for paged sources.
Name Description
AreRowsFetching Gets whether the source is fetching rows right now. Inherited from VirtualSourceBase.
Count Returns the number of elements. Inherited from VirtualSourceBase.
CustomProperties Gets or sets custom descriptors. Inherited from VirtualSourceBase.
ElementType Gets or sets the type of objects retrieved from a data source. Inherited from VirtualSourceBase.
FetchRowsException Gets an exception that occurred while fetching rows. Inherited from VirtualSourceBase.
HasMorePages Gets whether there are more pages to show.
IsCurrentPageLoading Gets whether the source is fetching current page right now.
IsRowUpdating For internal use. Inherited from VirtualSourceBase.
KeyProperty Gets or sets a name of key field. The virtual source uses this field to reload specific rows and find the selected row after refresh. Inherited from VirtualSourceBase.
PageCount Gets the number of displayed pages.
PageIndex Gets or sets the index of the page currently being selected.
PageNavigationMode Gets or sets how moving from one page to another is allowed.
PageSize Gets or sets the maximum number of rows that can be displayed on a page.
SummaryInProgressText Gets or sets the text that is shown when the summary is calculating. Inherited from VirtualSourceBase.
TotalItemCount Gets the total row count.
See Also