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Box Plot Series

  • 5 minutes to read

The Box Plot (also called Box-and-Whisker Plot) chart is used to analyze statistic-driven data points. To draw a Box Plot point, pass the Min, Quartile1, Median, Quartile3, and Max parameters. You can also display a set of Outliers and a Mean value (optional).

Demo: Box Plot

Chart Type Characteristics

The table below lists the main box plot chart characteristics:

Feature Value
Series view type BoxPlotSeries2D
Diagram type XYDiagram2D
Number of arguments per series point 1
Number of values per series point 6 values and an array of outliers

The following image shows the Box Plot chart elements:


The Box Plot series view does not support series labels.

Create a Box Plot Chart

The following example demonstrates how to create a Box Plot chart with three points:

  • Add a chart to a WPF project.
  • Add a XYDiagram2D object to the chart.
  • Add a BoxPlotSeries2D object to the diagram. Specify the series’s data source.
  • Use the following properties to specify data members for the series:


            Title="MainWindow" Height="600" Width="800">
                    <dxc:Legend HorizontalPosition="Left"/>
                    <dxc:BoxPlotSeries2D DataSource="{Binding Data}"
                                         DisplayName="Box Plot"
                        <dxc:AxisX2D TickmarksMinorVisible="False"/>


    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    using System.Windows;
    namespace BoxPlotChart {
        public partial class MainWindow : Window {
            public MainWindow() {
        public class ChartViewModel {
            public Collection<DataPoint> Data { get { return DataPoint.GetDataPoints(); } }
            public class DataPoint {
                public string Argument { get; set; }
                public double Min { get; set; }
                public double Max { get; set; }
                public double Quartile1 { get; set; }
                public double Quartile3 { get; set; }
                public double Median { get; set; }
                public double Mean { get; set; }
                public double[] Outliers { get; set; }
                public DataPoint(string argument, double min, double max, double q1, double q3, double median, double mean, double[] outliers) {
                    this.Argument = argument;
                    this.Min = min;
                    this.Max = max;
                    this.Quartile1 = q1;
                    this.Quartile3 = q3;
                    this.Median = median;
                    this.Mean = mean;
                    this.Outliers = outliers;
                public static Collection<DataPoint> GetDataPoints() {
                    Collection<DataPoint> data = new Collection<DataPoint> {
                        new DataPoint("June", 46, 94, 64, 76, 70, 73, new double[]{ 30, 96.3, 99.56 }),
                        new DataPoint("July", 33, 121, 66, 88, 77, 75, new double[]{ 20, 22, 132.7 }),
                        new DataPoint("August", 10, 90, 40, 60, 50, 55, new double[]{ 4, 5, 95.4, 99.3, 109 })
                    return data;

Format the Crosshair Label

Use the XYSeries2D.CrosshairLabelPattern property to format the crosshair label‘s text.

The Chart Control provides the following placeholders that you can use in patterns:

Placeholder Description
{BP_MIN} Displays the Box Plot point’s Minimum value.
{BP_Q1} Displays the Box Plot point’s First Quartile value.
{BP_MDN} Displays the Box Plot point’s Median value.
{BP_AVG} Displays the Box Plot point’s Mean value.
{BP_Q3} Displays the Box Plot point’s Third Quartile value.
{BP_MAX} Displays the Box Plot point’s Maximum value.
<dxc:BoxPlotSeries2D CrosshairLabelPattern="{}{A}&#x0a;Min: {BP_MIN}&#x0a;Q1: {BP_Q1}&#x0a;Q3: {BP_Q3}&#x0a;Max: {BP_MAX}"/>

You can use format specifiers to format the placeholders’ values. For example, the “{BP_Q1:f1}” pattern displays the First Quartile value with one digit after the comma.

Change Chart Appearance

This section explains how to modify the Box Plot chart’s appearance.

The BoxPlotSeries2D class exposes the following appearance settings for the Box Plot chart:

<dxc:BoxPlotSeries2D CapWidthPercentage="50" 
See Also